2. The Spot.

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Draco watched you walk toward him, he was stunned to see you standing there, “So, it was you….” he whispered more to himself, than to anyone. “I did see you in Diagon Alley…”

You smirked, “how observant of you.” you were stopped a few feet from Draco, you were both eyeing each other. “I have to ask, what are you doing in my classroom?” your eyebrow was raised, and you folded your arms across your chest.

“I had come to see if I was imagining whether or not it was you…. It appears I wasn’t.” Draco continued to hold your gaze. “Did you find what you were looking for, on your trip?” he couldn’t keep the bitterness out of his voice.

“No need to sound so bitter, and yes. I did.” you replied calmly. The day you told Draco that you would be leaving was difficult, and you knew that your friendship would suffer.

Draco scoffed, how could he not help but sound bitter, “you left me the moment we were alright again, you expect me to be alright with that?”

Shadow was snarling at your side, ready to pounce on Draco the moment he pulled his wand.

You smiled, “We both know I would not have been alright if I just stayed.” your voice continued to be calm. You let your hand drop down by your side, and rested it on Shadow’s head, in order to calm him.

Draco was at a loss for words, of course, you were right. After the battle at Hogwarts and Fred Weasley’s death, he couldn’t have expected you to be okay with just living at home, and eventually getting over it. But that didn’t stop him from hoping it would work that way.

“So, Potions Master, eh?” you asked, giving him a sheepish grin, and nudging him in the ribs slightly.

Draco was taken a by surprise, just a little bit, but the sudden change in your tone, you seemed playful and carefree. Maybe going away had done some good after all. “Yeah…” he shrugged, “I’m also Head of House for Slytherin.”

You chuckled, “busy boy.” a grin had broken out on your face, nearly mirroring Draco’s. The two of you were only twenty, but as it appeared, you acted like you were sixteen again. You glanced down at your watch, it was nearly eleven. “Ah, best be going to bed. Don’t want to be late for start of term classes…” you sighed, drawing Draco’s attention to the time.

He nodded, a well practiced smirk on his face, he nodded to you as he passed, “Goodnight… Professor.” he closed the door behind him.


The first class of the day filed into your classroom. They were murmuring amongst themselves quietly, and looking around anxiously for you to appear.

You burst through the door leading to your office, and closed it roughly behind you. A quick jab with your wand, and the curtains had drawn themselves close, leaving only a pale purple tinge to be cast around the room.

As soon as you appeared, the class had silenced themselves. They watched you draw the curtains, and then step towards the black board. A dog sat obediently beside the desk at the front of the room, staring at all the students, which seemed to unnerve a few of them.

You wrote your name on the black board, and then turned to the class. “I will be teaching you how to defend yourselves against the dark arts.” your dark eyes glided over every face in the room. “I do not expect perfection, but I do expect obedience, discipline, and a desire to learn.” You walked slowly amongst the rows of students, looking each one in the eyes as you passed.

“Like you could teach us anything.” a boy from the back of the class shouted, to which the other boy beside him snickered.

You fought down the urge to smash the boys face in. Instead you stopped in front of him, and glared down at him. “I am more than capable of teaching you more than just defensive spells.” your words were dipped in venom. The boy beside him seemed to squirm uncomfortably, while the boy you were glaring at, snorted.

Call Me Professor - Sequel to Colour Me SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now