15. Interupting the N.E.W.Ts

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You paced back and forth through the length of your quarters. How were you going to tell Draco that you were pregnant? It was obvious something happened, with how awkward dinner in the Great Hall had been.

A soft tap broke the tense silence as Draco knocked on the door to your quarters. Something had seemed off about you at dinner, in fact, the whole day you seemed to be avoiding him. He pushed the door away when he heard the soft 'come in' from the other side. “Alice?” he asked, his voice shook slightly due to the nerves that were shooting through him.

You looked at him, and took in a deep breath. “Draco,” you started, but paused for a moment unsure of how to continue. Then found strength once more, and continued, “I'm pregnant.”

Draco stared for a moment, his jaw slightly dropped. “Pregnant?” he asked, the word feeling like venom on his tongue. “Is it.. mine?”

You stared in disbelief. “No, Draco. It's Professor Flitwicks! Of course it's yours!” you said bitterly, 'you're the only person I've slept with.' you added, in your own head.

“No need to get angry.” he shrugged, a dumfounded expression on his face. He wasn't quite sure how to feel, an overwhelming excitement pumped through his body, but along with it, an overwhelming fear. He wasn't very good with children, in fact, many of his first, second, and third years hated him. “What are we going to do?” he asked, his eyes now resting on you. “I could create a potion to make the baby disappear...”

You stared at him in disbelief. “you're joking right? You want to kill our child off?!” Your voice rose slightly with shock and disgust.

“No, of course not. I'm just thinking of the options.” Draco replied. There weren't many options available to them. “Whatever you want to do though...” he uttered, a tired expression in his eyes.

“There's always adoption.... or we could keep it.” you sighed, leaning against a wall. “I don't know Draco... Can we really raise a child?”

“I don't see why not.” He responded, “how hard could it be?”

You stared at him dumbfounded, “Well its not going to be a walk in the park... If we keep it...” you planned on keeping your options open.

“I know.” Draco sighed, running his fingers through his hair. He leaned forward and grabbed your hand in his, squeezing it lightly, “Take some time to think about it.” He smiled lightly, a plan formulating in his head.

You smiled down at your hands interlocked. He seemed to be taking this all well. However, the decision about the child now growing in your womb being left up to you seemed very daunting. What if you made the wrong choice?

Draco leaned forward, lightly pressing his lips against your forehead, and pulling you into him. “Get some rest love. You're going to need it.” his hand slipped from around your waist, to rest on your lower abdomen.

You rested your forehead on his shoulder. “Alright.” you uttered, looking up into his eyes, and pulling away from him. You followed behind him as he headed for the door to leave. “Goodnight.” you whispered with a sigh, closing the door behind Draco quietly.


A loud knock interrupted the beginning of a written N.E.W.T exam. Your eyebrow raised in curiosity and annoyance as you strode to the other side of the large room. A few feet from the doors, they burst open, a few white doves flew into the room a soft sparkle floated down into the room all around you.

Your class was now staring back at you, completely forgetting about the exam that sat in front of them. They were all curious about what was happening, just as curious as you were.

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