10. It's her.

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Class resumed as usual, the students were learning many things, and many ways to defend themselves. The most improvement could be seen in the first year classes, although, because they were already so young, it was easy to mould their minds to what you needed them to be.

You sighed, why had you assigned an essay on old Russian and German spells? You never had an interest in this topic, and it bored you immensely. Yet, here you were, reading pretty well the same garble over and over again, as your students had reworded what their text book says.

Tossing the papers on the desk, your eyes lazily turned towards Shadow, your faithful dog who was laying by the side of your desk. “Let’s go for a walk…” you muttered. The comfortable desk chair scraped backwards as your body forced itself into a standing position.

Shadow trotted along happily by your side, excited about the idea of getting some fresh air. Going outside seemed to have been a rare occurrence now a days, what with all the extra training for this tournament that is going on.

You took a deep breath of the cool dusk air. Your piercing eyes fell towards the setting sun, and the sky that was painted in purples and pinks. Thoughts raced through your mind, things like what the last task was going to be? Were you really prepared for what was going to happen? What about your students, did you do a well enough job to prepare them? What if you couldn’t beat Lily?

The last thought startled you, what if you couldn’t beat Lily? That was the whole driving force to being in this tournament since you knew she was partaking in it. Beating her entailed such a strong desire, that often, you found yourself daydreaming about it while teaching.

Shadow whined by your side, unpleased with how little attention you were paying to him. He had learned to cherish the moments outside like this, and to let your mind wander was unacceptable to him.

Your smile was hallow, as your eyes glanced towards the German Sheppard that was in your midst’s. Picking up a stick, you tossed it a bit away from yourself in order to play with Shadow. You couldn’t help but feel bad for the dog, since the tournament began, you had to spend hours, days, even weeks away from him. Often, you relied on other students that you trusted to take him outside and play with him, however, it wasn’t the same as spending time with your own pet.

Shadow trotted back to you, stick in his slobbering mouth, and dropped it at your feet. His tail swished from side to side in a playful manner as he waited for the stick to be thrown again.

Absentmindedly you threw the stick, watching your dog run into the distance to retrieve it. You were lost in your own mind.

Shadow trotted back once more, still drooling all over the stick. His ears perked up at a sudden hushed noise coming from yards away, in a shadowed part of the grounds.

You noticed Shadow’s sudden change in disposition, and turned your head in the direction that he was looking. You could see two cloaked figures huddled in the shadows of a tall tower. Finding this odd, you quietly snuck around to a well covered area near the two figures, and pulled an extendable ear from your bag. You could feel the memories pull at your heart as you inserted the one end into your ear, and magically nudged the other end towards the two others that were standing in the shadows.

Shadow and yourself sat huddled, covered by the shadows of the large tree that was conveniently nearby. Plugging your ear with your other finger, you listened intently on the conversation being had by the two figures that seemed so sketchy.

“Vhat do ve get?” a gruff accented voice asked, leaning against the walls of the castle with their arms crossed over their chest.

“What would you like?” the other voice was silky, but unnervingly cold.

Call Me Professor - Sequel to Colour Me SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now