3. The Walk.

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Alice took the hand that was outstretched towards her. There was something kind in the storm coloured eyes that were looking down at you. “Professor Malfoy.” you nodded slightly, allowing your arm to be linked with his.

Shadow barred his teeth, but made no noise as he followed behind the two Professors.

Malfoy smirked slightly, “Professor Smat.” he replied quietly, returning your nod with one of his own. He lead you towards the doors and out into the court yard, remaining silent for close to the whole time.

“It’s amazing how they rebuilt this place…” you murmured, taking in the scene around you. It looked as if no battle had happened at all.

Draco looked at you from the corner of his eye, of course being here would bring back the memories of the battle, how could it not? He, in fact had dreamt about it multiple times the first few months after becoming a Professor, the year previous.

‘It seems our feelings haven’t died away after all.’

‘Why are you back?’

‘To annoy and frustrate you like last time!’

‘So we’re going to have this argument again? We don’t like Draco Malfoy.’

‘Keep telling yourself that.’

‘Oh, I intend to.’

You could feel Draco’s body heat radiating off him as the two of you continued to walk through the courtyard slowly. Neither of you talked, but it wasn’t awkward, in fact, it was quite peaceful and pleasant.

“Alex Mayar has told me about the assignment you have set that class. In fact, many students have been trying to interrogate me about you.” Draco piped up, an amused smirk on his face.

You rose an eyebrow, “got to teach the snivelling little brat some how, don’t I?” you questioned, clearly not amused with Mayar’s attitude towards you.

Draco’s amused smirk did not leave his face, “I happen to be one of his favourite teachers.” he said almost as if it was an after thought.

“Well good for you. I plan on being his most hated teacher.” you retorted smoothly.

Draco’s smirk only grew, “he is a Slytherin, you know.”

“I’m not head of house, and thus I have no need to favourite the Slytherin’s.” It seemed you had a come back for everything.

To any onlooker, the conversation at hand would seem like an argument, but to those that knew both Alice and Draco, they were just teasing each other.

You and Draco were now at the edge of The Forbidden Forest. Just walking along the edge, but not going in. There were many things in the forest, although you would be careless to go into it during the day, it would be considered suicidal to go into it during the night.

“Have you ever been in there?” Draco asked, jerking his head lightly to his left, indicating the forest.

You shook your head, “can’t say I have. Never really appealed to me anyway.” you shrugged. Something flickered out of the corner of your eye causing you to come to a halt and turn towards the forest, peering into it.

“What is it?” Draco asked, looking curiously into the forest, but seeing nothing.

“I swear I just saw something in there…” you mumbled, taking a step towards the edge of the trees. You drew your wand from the leg holster, and held it steady. “Lumos…” you muttered under your breath, causing a narrow beam of light to appear from the tip of your wand.

Call Me Professor - Sequel to Colour Me SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now