Fruit Cup

26 0 1

Luke's P.O.V

"you still looking through that kids file?" Drew asked

" yeah..." I said

" why are you so obsessed with this kid ?" He asked

" he just seemed to have the same similarities with this one person in this facility..." I half lied

" cut the bull shit Hemmings! Half of this facility knows that you might have something going on between "cell 15" " he said

It made me kinda irritated to calling her by her cell number like she doesn't have a name....

" they all have names ya know not just a number on a rusty door ." I said

" and there's nothing going on at all she's just a patient like all the others are!" I said annoyed

" you ok? Because it seems like I pinched a nerve?" He laughed

" I'm fine Drew and I don't need your help so can I look through this kids file in peace please?!?" I asked

" alright I'll leave you alone but if it does become serious you'll lose your job." He said

" I know this drew." I looked up at him

" ok just reminding you."

He shut the door behind him and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. I looked at the clock which read 2:30 which meant that i had about 10 more mins until I went on lunch break.

I continued to search up his last name and our computers to see if anything popped up and this lady named Marie Irwin showed up so I clicked on it and she seemed to be the aunt of this guy.
I searched through her Facebook friends and found another name, Anne Irwin. I later on figured that this was his mother. Maybe I could go find her and talk to her. I thought

I don't know where she lives or how to get a hold of her..... Wait I can message her aunt and see if she'll give me the contact information.

" Hello, miss. Irwin My name is Mr. Hemmings and I am contacting you from Cane Hill Psychiatric Ward and I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about your nephew Ashton Irwin."

So I did just that and waited for a response. 5 mins of waiting and she replied

" I'm sorry Mr.Hemmings I haven't talked to him or her in years after the incident."

" if you don't mind me asking what is this incident you speak of?" I asked

" well, how about I give you my contact information so you can hear the story face to face because it's a lot to say and hear ." She replied

" alright that will be great." I said

She gave me her information and I wrote it down on my notepad.

" you can come on down to my house tomorrow and I'll tell you the story you want to hear alright?" She said

" alright I'll see you then thank you very much." I said

" your welcome." She replied

I shut my computer off and went to go get some lunch. I was so excited that I get to speak to this lady tomorrow. I'll finally get her out of here sooner than later I thought I would have.

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