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I couldn't sleep all night and I had to start my new job today at the record store

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I couldn't sleep all night and I had to start my new job today at the record store. I forced my self out of bed and made my way to the door as someone was constantly ringing it. I assumed it was Michael since I haven't heard from him in a while. I opened it to see two police officers at my door.

" excuse us for such early notice sir but are you Luke Hemmings?"

" yes, what's going on?"

" by the Commerce City police department you are under arrest for illegal smuggling of patients."

" wait I can explain!"

" explain to the judge." He haled me away

My back hit the seat of the car as they threw me inside. The cuffs were very tight and I tried to loosen them. I looked at the officers searching my house top to bottom searching for her.
I knew I had to confess where she was and she would never forgive me I have none to contact to explain why she isn't guilty. There gonna come for her and it's all my fault.

Ivy's P.O.V

" good morning." Calum lightly spoke

" good morning." I smiled

" so what do you want to do today." he wrapped his self around me

I felt a little uncomfortable by his sudden touch so i sat up and grabbed my shoes.

" where are you going?" he grabbed my sides

" I think its a good idea to just go and talk to Luke he was just frustrated about something so talking to him about it since he cooled down he would be alright now."

" why don't you just stay another night he seemed pretty mad and kicked you out he was an ass-hole to you."

"well hes my ass-hole and i need to make amends with him so can you let me go?" i asked annoyed

" come on he's probably fine."

" how would you know that he could be a complete mess or be going through something thats really bothering him trust me i known him for a while now he's a really sensitive kind of guy."

" he just needs to think alone and you going there could make it worse."

" you know nothing about him so why do you keep insisting that i stay with you?"


" exactly what i thought you only want me here so you can get some right? just because i kissed you doesn't mean were partners."

I grabbed my bag and asked Michael if he could drive me there. I invited him to stay over for a bit but he didn't feel like it. we drove to the house and it oddly seemed like something was off.

" you see that note?" Micheal said

"yeah that's kind of weird..." my eyes drifted to the door

we arrived to the front drive way and walked up to the door i snatched the note off the door and Micheal and i raced to the police station.

Luke's P.O.V

my hands were clammy and sweat was dripping down my forehead i frantically wiped it and returned to fidget with my hands as he asked the question.

" so why did you let her escape?"

" because i knew she wasn't crazy and didn't kill her parents i spent weeks trying to find her killer and found connections to this man named Ashton Irwin i watched his videos of his experience in the Psych Ward. I looked at his records and there seemed to be a big connection so i stayed on his case for a while. I almost gave up but i met a guy Michael introduced me to which was his old friend whom happened to have the same name which was ashton i looked at him once more and found out he was her killer. I acted cool infront of ashton and michael and knew i had to do something about it."

"so what did you do?"

" Nothing that was important to the whole situation....I feel like I failed her." I sighed

" you care for this woman?"

" yes I do but...what's important is for me to tell you all I know and why I let her escape I know it was illegal but I knew she didn't kill her family."

" yes,maybe falling in love with her clouded my judgement but that wasn't gonna stop me from doing what I had to do."

" so is this everything?"

" yes everything."

" all I ask of you sir is to please,
—please! do not take her back there." I pleaded

" I'm sorry I have to say this but it's against the law to free a patient from any kind of psychiatric hospital you know the consequences for your actions is costly for you and her."

" you need to tell us where she is so we can take her back immediately until further notice."


" until we know if your telling me the truth I have to take her back there. You gave me absolutely nothing but explaining that you obviously stolen private records and help a patient escape."


" until this man shows up and turns him self in then I'll believe you!" He sternly said


" CALUM IS WITH HER NOW..." I finally gave the truth

" do you have any contact information?"

" No, but I have hers!"

" I can try to call her but until we find him or his body we can't let you free nor her."

"PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU!!" I slammed my phone on the table

" your court date is the 11th on Saturday morning."

" thank you for your time."

And with that he went off leaving me in the room to think about how much I fucked up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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