Chapter 3

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"Why do you always think I'm texting some other girls?" Papi asked me snatching his phone back.

I chuckled "Don't play lil man..I know you be out there running games on bitches" I slapped his butt.

"Nah all my attention be on you kiddo" he kissed my lips.

"Whatever save that shit. Anyways what we on today?" I said taking a seat on the couch rolling my blunt.

He laughed at me

"What?" I looked up at him.

"Yo ass look like a cluck" he took my blunt out my hand "You always smoking"

"Ain't none wrong with that! I don't act over dramatic when you smoke nigga" I laughed and got up to snatch my shit back.

"Cause I don't do it as much as you" he chuckled and walked towards the kitchen.


"Rita you act like I was fucking her" I said sitting across the room from her "all we was doing was dancing"

"That's ALL you did last time with that chick heaven and ended up cheating but luckily I loved yo ass too much so I forgave you" she said standing over me.

I pocked out my bottom lip "Would it make you feel better if I stayed away from the club for a while" I said poking her belly button.

She grinned "Yes please, I don't need you catching anything from random bitches"

I laughed and picked her up "Don't worry cause I'm not fucking any random hoes" I said and placed a soft kiss on her little lips.

"Put me down Chris I'm supposed to be mad you" she said wiggling.

"Nope, say I'm the only person you want" I said gripping her little body in my arms.

"You are the only one I want" she smirked "but you piss me off at times"

"Whatever" I kissed her over her face and sat her on the bed.

"You want it baby?" I chuckled rolling my hips in front of her.

"Naw boy move" she laughed

*One hour later*

"Mmh..wait..chriiiss" she loudly moaned out while I gently sucked on her clit, it was already wet just how I liked it. I kept flicking my tongue up and down & in and out of her while she squeezed the sheets.

"Chris..I'm gonna cum" she said and quickly released her juices on my tongue while I licked my lips.

I sat up her up on her side "You ready?" I slid my partner up and down her spot before actually going inside.

She gripped my arm "Yes baby.."

I slid inside of her and she let out a nice groan while closing her eyes. I thrust in and out of her while we both were sweating.

"Stop running" I slapped her ass and started thrusting even harder and faster.

"Ahh..wait baby..Mmh" she said holding her hand against my chest.

"No take this dick" I demanded while switching positions so that she was laying on her back. I kissed and sucked on her neck while she spreader her legs wider. I pumped in and out of her so I feel her walls griping my dick every time I was in.

"Ahhh...Chris I'm about... to cum" she whispered while trying to catch her breath.

I pulled out and watched her juices drip onto the bed and gently kissed her clit. I looked up at her and smiled "That wasn't so bad bae" I said getting up.

Later that night.

I stayed at Chris house all day today, we decided to just chill. I'm glad I had some clothes over here. I was waiting in Chris room while he took a quick shower.

"Baby can you bring me a towel" Chris yelled from the bathroom.

"Hold on"

I got up to run to his closet and back to the bathroom.

"Here" I threw it over the shower pole for him.

"Thanks baby" he said and I made my way back onto the bed.

I was looking through Netflix to see what movies was interesting to watch and then heard a message come through from his phone. I picked it up and saw a message that said..

Chyna: Are we still on for breakfast tomorrow morning?.. I can't wait to see your face.

I dropped the phone back onto the dresser and got right out the bed. I slid my shoes and jacket on and walked over to the bathroom door. "I'm leaving chris.."

"What!?" He said jumping out the shower with his towel wrapped around his waist.

"Yea it looked like you already had plans, and I don't have time to argue in the morning"

I left out the bedroom and made my way downstairs to the front.

"Rita baby wait.. What is you talking about?" He ran down the stairs with me.

I ignored him and continued to my car to quickly get in and ride to my moms house.
This whole situation is just irritating, when was he going to tell me he had a little date tomorrow..!


I walked back upstairs to my room to see why rita was tweaking. My phone buzzed and I went over to see who it was from.

Chyna: Um hello? Are you going to reply..

It was from Chyna, the girl I was dancing with at the club that night. I see the message she sent at first and Instantly got pissed "Fuck!" I threw my phone back onto the bed so I could get dress. I guess I'm just going to sleep by myself tonight.


"What's wrong rita you look mad" my said stopping me from going upstairs.

"Nothing mom I just got mad at Chris that's all" I said folding my arms.

"What?!.. Did you say Chris?" I hear my dad yell and he walked in from the dining room.

"Aaron don't start honey" my mom said waving him off.

"I thought you were done with that nigga for good" he shook his head.

"I..I.. Was just-

He cut me off "You was just nothing, I thought I said to stop messing fools like him"

"Aaron this has nothing to do with you" my mom said.

"Shush Sonya" he raised his finger.

"Look I love Chris alright" I said taking off my jacket cause I this was making me sweat for some reason.

"If you Love him, then why you always come in here saying your mad at him!!" He yelled and placed his hands in his pockets "Yo ass don't even Know what love is!"

"Just cause I'm mad at him now doesn't mean I'm going to stay that way towards him forever, I'm sure we'll work this situation out like we always do..I'm just not speaking to him for the rest of the night" I said grabbing my jacket.

I ran up to my room and closed my door before my dad could get another word out. I didn't want to hear anything els from anyone the rest of this night. Chris kept trying to call me, I was thinking about answering but I didn't want to hear any bullshit so I turned my phone off.

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