Chapter 5

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"Get off of me boy" I said and laughed pushing August towards the other side of the couch, he came to see me this morning.

"This is what you get for not returning my calls these few days" he said picking me up and slamming me back onto the couch.

I let out a laugh "Boy Whatever"

"When you gone stop playing and let me cuff you" He asked bold as hell.

I choked on my words "See, I can't that to Camille" I grinned at him "She's my friend ya know"

He sat up straight "Man fuck her, I'm sure she wouldn't mind if we dated! I ain't even in a relationship with ha ass" he said cracking his knuckles.

I shook my head "I will think about it, but I'm not just going to out of the blue start dating yo ass, you got to earn my ass" I smiled.

"You think you special, but I guess that's what I have to do to win you" he chuckled.

I smacked my lips "I am special! And ya damn right, but what makes me so attractive to you?"

"Is that even a question..I mean look at ya" he gave me a light smile "And you a cool person, like damn how long have you known me?"

"Damn near two whole years...I guess"

"Right so I should've been had yo ass to myself" he said.

I rolled my eyes "you could've if you wasn't messing around with them silly hoes"

if august ever make me feel special enough to be his, he may have a chance I just don't want to look stupid cause I know deep down inside he ain't that different from these other boys..but maybe he is.


Rita: Are we still going or not damn!

Chris: Yea damn I'm on my way to get you, you better look nice too.

Rita: Who I'm trying to impress?

I looked into the phone with a straight face as if she could see me.

Chris: haha ok well if you look bogus I'm just go leave you. You ain't getting in my car.

Rita: Really Chris don't be bogus...just hurry up.

Chris: Ok damn bye

Rita: Bye babe

She hung up

I'm trying real hard to stay out of trouble so me and rita won't have to keep arguing and making back up. Since I been acting childish and shit she started to act detached, but I caught her up before she lost too much contact. I made my way to her apartment to get her so we could go out to the show.

"Bought time you made it" she groaned sitting back into the seat.

"Shut up you lucky I even came" I said and kissed her cheek.

She grinned "Whatever"

A few minutes later she looked over at my phone and saw it buzzed "Who is that?"

I looked down and felt like so much shit was about to occur "'s Chyna" I said and tried to pick it up but she slapped my hand.

"I'll check it" she rolled her eyes and unlocked my phone.

I was starting to get nervous, even doe me and Chyna aren't messing around or anything she might just be the type to start unnecessary shit.

"What it say" I asked turning down the radio

"I guess your girl asked do you have any plans this week?" She said scrolling through the rest of our conversation.

"Didn't I tell you to stop calling her my girl! YOU MY GIRL" i said holding her hand.

She snatched away "Why is she still asking you about plans? Do she not know you have a girlfriend?" She rolled her eyes.

"Shit she should, I never said I was single damn.." 

"Yea whatever i'll just reply to this message" she said typing in the message and throwing my phone at my chest.

I didn't bother checking to see what she sent but Chyna didn't text back anymore, so whatever rita said maybe got her in check.

I looked over at her with a smirk "Bae you a mess"

"Yep I know" she said turning and looking out the window.

After that we just got silent and enjoyed the ride. Just because of that little incident don't mean she about to start acting cold and shit..not around me she ain't.


"Aye who ole dude that's study trying to get on that with you?" I asked Paris looking under her Instagram post.

"I don't even know, I'm not even following his ass" she grinned like I was playing.

"You saw what he said doe?"

She took the phone "yea I saw but I just ignored it"

"This like the 5th picture he commented on" I said standing up facing her.

"Somebody jealous or nah?" She locked her phone "I don't see why you ain't in a relationship with me just yet"

I made a straight face "Shit it feel like it..I don't want you talking to nobody when you see I'm trying to cuff yo ass"

"Yea whatever, it doesn't matter doe, I'm saving a spot just for you! When you drop all your hoes...then we can get serious" she kissed the crock of my neck and walked out the room.

"Hoes?.. What you talking about? I ain't got no hoes" I yelled from the bedroom.

"Um whatever you say Papi, just keep trying" she yelled back.

What the hell she talking about hoes? Shit I ain't got no hoes. I know I'm fine but I don't be around here talking to girls here and there..specially when I'm already got my eye set on one.

"Well when can I take you out? Let me express my feelings girl" I said biting my bottom lip side eyeing her.

She giggled "We don't need to go out so you can show yo feelings" she licked her lips "I got a whole bedroom back there.."

Wait a minute..

"Uh.. Well damn ok let's get it" I said walking towards her taking off my shirt.

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