Chapter 4

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"So you still about to have breakfast with ha ass?" I asked Chris shaking my head and chuckled.

He sucked his teeth "Look all I'm doing is showing ha around, she new here and barely got friends" He said with a smirk.

"I don't care man, you Know how rita ass is"

He laid his head on the table "Yea you right, but she won't even talk to me..she keep sending me straight to voicemail"

I laughed a little cause that sound like what she would do when mad "You want me to just call her?" I asked.

"Yea, put her on speaker" he answered lifting his head.

"Aight" I said pulling out my phone. I dialed her number and put it on speaker, luckily she answered for me.

Rita: What August?!

August: Damn ma, I was just checking on you.

Rita: Thanks, but what's up?

August: It's about you and Chris..but don't hang up!

Rita: Look I don't want want to hear anything from or about him at this moment.

August: I know why you mad, but he said he only showing her around since she new.

Rita: ....pass him the phone.

I did what she said and listened to the rest of the conversation between them.

Chris: Baby, I was just trying to be nice and welcome her to LA..

Rita: I don't care, she isn't 2 she is grown! She can handle shit on her own, what were you going to do if I stayed at your house last night, then the next morning you had plans with another girl, "oh sorry babe but I gotta me this girl for breakfast" you know how that makes me feel?...

Chris: No it's not like that..ugh

Rita: Bye Chris talk to you later..

She hung up and he passed me the phone laying his head back down in irritation.

I look over and see chyna walking in to me and Chris table "I guess your little friend has arrived" I whispered to him and he looked up.

"Aight thanks bro" he punched my arm.

"Before I go imma just say..try to get back on good terms with rita before stuff get too serious between you and Chyna" I shook my head leaving them too along.


"Whose Rita?" Chyna asked sitting her purse on the table.

"Don't worry about that, let's just enjoy breakfast" I grinned at her.

She looked confused "um ok.. How have you been?"

"For you to ask now, Not So good" I looked away

She placed her hand on top of mine "Why not babe?" She pouted

"Nothing major..what have you been up to?" I asked moving my hands and folding my arms.

"Nothing much I just got here so I'm ready to have some fun" she grinned at me.

"What kind of fun girl.." I chucked pulling my drink towards me.

"You tell me.." She unbuckled her shirt a little so that a little of her chest was showing, clearly she wanted me to look "What are you doing tonight Chris?"

"I don't know yet" I scratched my head a little "did you have any plans?"

"No, if you don't then I don't" we both got silent after that.

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