Chapter 6

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Me, Chris and my parents were all sitting at the dining room table having dinner. It was kind of awkward since my dad really didn't like Chris. The whole time they kept staring at each other with deadly eyes.

"So babe I hear your going to Atlanta In a few weeks" my mom said to Chris breaking the silence.

He sat his drink down "Uh yea, i'll only be gone for a week doe"

I smiled rubbing his cheek.

"What are you going down there for?" My dad asked Him leaning back in his chair.

"Nothing major..just going to visit some of my family" he said grinning at me "I actually invited rita to come with.."

"Well rita what did you say?" My mom asked.

"Of course I said yes" I chuckled.

My dad stood up from his seat and walked over towards me and Chris " here boy.. Let me talk to you out front real quick" He grinned.

"Yes sir" Chris said looking back at me worried.

I let go of my grip of his arm "Hurry back" I yelled and they closed the front door.

"Your father is a mess" my mom said clearing the table.

I laid my head down "yea I know.."


"You thought you were just going to take my daughter out of town without my permission boy.." Aaron said pushing me in my chest with his two fingers

I backed up "I didn't feel the need to ask you.. Rita can make her own decisions, if her mom is okay with it, then why aren't you" I asked with a serious face.

" are on thin ice! I already don't like your ass and-"

I cut him off

"Why don't you like me...Aaron..?" I grinned putting my hands in my pockets.

"Just look at you, I heard so many things about you! And your not going to have rita out
Here looking stupid because of your mess" he said and walked closer to the door.

"You ain't heard nun about me.. Cause I ain't even that fucking important to be talked about"

He walked closer to me "Don't push the wrong buttons little one, I'm telling you I will end you for whatever reason you make me feel mad"

I know his ass didn't bring me out here to talk down on me...I just shook it off and walked back into the house to see rita sat on the couch with a bright smile. Aaron walked straight upstairs not mentioning anything.

"Did he do anything to you" Rita whispered laying her head on my chest.

I kissed her forehead "Naw baby he ain't that crazy" I chuckled.

Aaron must got me confused with another nigga if he think talking to me like he such a bad ass gone make me scared of him. He might be rita dad but I don't care.


"Why you popping up at my place for?" I asked Camille while she was standing in the front of my house.

She rolled her eyes walking in "Shut up, I was just checking to see if August was still here but I guess not"

"Poor Camille" I chucked "August is over you, sorry to say it but it's true I think he's better off without you girl" I stood there starring at her like she was crazy.

"You don't know if he's over me or not...are you fucking him or something" she chuckled.

That wasn't funny "Come on now don't be coming over here with that trifling shit" I opened the door "Your free to leave now, if you really wanna know where august is then check Mo's crib" I grinned at her. 

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