5) Vampires Will Never Hurt You

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Mikey's POV (omg whut)

I woke up on Sunday to Bob throwing a pillow at my face.
"What," I asked groggily.
"Frank and Gerard aren't here,"Ray said.
"Shit," I quickly got up and dressed into some black skinny jeans and a Anthrax tshirt. " I know where they are,"
"Well where the fuck would they go in the middle of the night," Ray asked.
"There's a field on the way to school. Gerard used to go to fields and woods to smoke and drink,"
"We should go then," Bob said.

I nodded and grabbed my phone before leaving the house with the drummer and guitarist. We were half way down our street when Ray spoke up,

"So Mikey, your so quiet compared to Gerard,"
"Yeah," I replied. "I always have been quiet ever since we were kids."
"Why," Bob asked.
"I think it was around 1st or 2nd grade. I got glasses for the first time and I'd started to get bullied a bit for it. It was just teasing and the odd punch or two. I didn't care much for it but apparently I was quieter and I hadn't noticed. Gerard started to wonder why I looked upset when I found him after school to be taken home by Mom. He soon found out about the teasing and told them to leave me alone. From then on whoever he was friends with I was friends with and vice versa. But I always remained quiet. I don't even know why."
"It doesn't matter," Ray said. "People change slowly,"
"Many people don't change at all," Bob interjected, "I mean look at Frank. He has been short his entire life,"
We all laughed and continued walking.

After a few minutes we came across the field. I instantly found Gerard and Frank. What surprised me was the fact that they were laying there with their arms around each other, Frank's head in the crook of Gerard's neck.

"Awww!" Ray whispered. "They're so cute,"
"Yeah," Bob said. "Cute enough for black mail," he pulled his phone out of his pocket.
"What're you doing," I asked
He sighed, "Ray explain it whilst I take some pictures,"
"Bob has to have something on everyone so if they do something to hurt someone physically or emotionally, he can get revenge."
"Yep. Three cheers for sweet sweet sweet revenge,"

Gerard stirred and Bob stopped taking pictures.

"Guys wake up!!!" I shouted.
"Five more minutes," Gee said pulling Frank closer to him.
"OK love birds get up. It's Sunday and we have a practise day ahead of us," Bob said.

They immediately got up and brushed grass off of their legs and backs.

"Guy's what're you doing here," Frank said.
"Finding you," I said. "Gee, how many times have me and Helena told you not to sneak out at night,"
"I know but I was in the mood for whisky." Gerard said.
"And that makes it ok?"
"No Mikey just," he sighed. "Can we have a few minutes alone?"
"Sure," Frank said. "We'll meet you back at the house,"

They left the field and went home.

"Gerard, how many times does this have to happen?" I said in a calm tone.
"I'm sorry," there were tears in his eyes.
"Hey hey hey. It's OK," I wiped his cheeks with my thumbs before pushing up the sleeves of his hoodie. "Do we need to go to Helena about the cutting,"
He shook his head, "I will get better. I just needed it for a little bit."
I gave him a shy smile, "Ok. Come on. Let's go home."

Gerard's POV

I knew it wasn't the last time. There was never a last time. Helena an Mikey thought I stopped a few months back but it never did. We walked to the porch to see our ebony haired grandma standing there.

"Good Morning boys," she said. "I heard you practising last night and must I say you were fantastic."
"Thanks Helena," Mikey said.
"Yeah thanks," I said.
"If it is no trouble, I'd like to sit and see a live performance by my favourite boys in the whole world."
"Of course," Mikey said.
"Come down to the basement," I said. "Everything is set up from last night,"
"Great," she jumped.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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