Chapter Nine

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Twobit's POV

"Evellynn!" I ran blindly as the rain started pouring down harder. If I knew that one: She would have ran off and two: that the rain would have gotten worse, I would not have let her out.

"Evellynn!" I cried drenched head to toe. "This can't be happening." I dropped on my knees onto the mud, there was no use for running in a direction that I couldn't see in.

"Oh God..." I almost started to cry when I heard thunder.

I ran back to the house, I didn't care that I tracked mud all over the place. I didn't care. All I cared about was Evellynn's safety. I called everyone I knew that cared about her more than their own life: Darry, Soda, Steve, Ponyboy and even Tim Shepard. Ponyboy was in school at this time so I ended up calling his school. Dang, why can't there be a device that is just like a home telephone but that can fit in your pocket? No use in whining about it, I waited frantically for them to show up.


Ponyboy's POV

I was in math class when the principle pulled me out of class. And Golly... I thought I was in trouble for something awful because the way he grabbed me and pulled me out; geez.

"Ponyboy, you're friend Twob- Keith Matthews needs you. Now."

"W-what for, is he ok?" I stuttered thinking about the worst thing that could happen to the guy.

"He just told me he needed you right away. He sounded worried, you should go."

"I'm excused?" I was surprised. The school would never excuse you for anything really. Like the time I was sick to my stomach (probably from the cafeteria food) and they wouldn't let me go home because they thought I was "faking it". They never believe you around here.

"Yes boy, now go on!"

I ran outside where it was pouring rain. I didn't have a rain coat or even a long sleeve so I got cold pretty fast. I ran to Twobit's as fast as I could and when I got there Darry, Sodapop, Steve and Tim Shepard was there.

"Why?" I thought.

"Ponyboy..." Sodapop looked at me with a scared look on his face.

"What? What happened?" My heart started to beat faster and faster.

"Evellynn ran the storm.." He said.

I got a feeling that was filled with emotions...anger, sadness, confusion....

"Twobit..." I said through my clinched teeth and then realized he was almost in tears.

"It's all my fault." He was fighting back all the tears he had. "It's my fault she's probably drenched wet somewhere freezin'."

I let the anger go. He didn't mean to. This wasn't one of those dumb jokes he paid; he didn't mean to.

"It's ok." I hugged him tight. I knew what he was feeling. Feeling hatred towards himself, like Johnny had felt when he didn't know why his parents hated him so much. He figured that they hated him because he did something wrong... I released from him because I started to cry too. I didn't want to cry in front of Tim Shepard, I always wanted him to think I was tuff.

"Let's go find her." My voice cracked a bit. "Let's go find our baby."


We were yelling her same and running around town for Evellynn. I won't stop looking until we find her.

"What are you kids doing out here? Running around like crazy!" A police car pulled up and yelled at us through the storm.

"We're looking for our...our.." I didn't know what to call her. She isn't related to us in anyway so it's not like she's my niece and I didn't have the time to explain the whole story.

"The story.." I thought. We can't tell them anything because if they find out we don't have custody over her they'll take her away from us.

"We're looking for my daughter." Darry told the police a lie. "We were playing at the park when the storm started and she ran off."

"What she look like lad?"

"she has short brown hair, beautiful cloudy blue eyes, she's two so she's short and-" The police cut him off.

"How about you come with me Son, you can show me if you see her when I drive you around."

Darry looked back at us. We were all shivering, soaked to the bone.

"You go home guys; I'll bring her home." He got into the cops car and he drove off leaving us in the cold rain. I looked back at Soda and I found fear in his eyes.

"Let's go home." Steve depended.


Darry's POV

The cop drove me around for an hour and a bit but it felt like forever.

"Seen her yet?" The cop asked a dumb question.


"Ok, let's drive down Henderson's Street."

We drove down the street. I had only the slightest bit of hope left but I guess that was just enough. Evellynn. Evellynn was at the park, sitting under the jungle gym for protection. She looked so cold, so alone, so helpless.

"There she is!" I yelled, maybe too loud because it must have scared the police enough to drive right on the grass and almost crash into the fountain. I jumped out.

"Evellynn!" I yelled running towards her. She looks at me shivering. I grabbed her from under the slide she was hiding and hugged her tight.

"Dawwy." She shivered almost crying.

"Shhh shh I got you... I got you."


Ponyboy's POV

We've been waiting forever for Darry to come back.

"I can't wait any longer!" I got impatient.

"Well you can't do anything about it little buddy." Sodapop said with a sigh.

"I can just imagine her...So cold and scared..."

"Ponyboy don't think like that!" He scowled. "Darry will bring her home, safe."

"Yeah but-"before I could finish my thought Darry walked in holding Evellynn.

"Evellynn!" I beamed, running to Darry and taking her from his arms.

"Golly...I'm missed you so much Princess!" I squeezed her tight, trying to warm her.

"Miss you too Ponwy." She shivered.


"Ponyboy, you're going to suffocate her if you do that..." Darry told me when I was wrapping Evellynn up in all the blankets to keep her warm.

"What? I'm trying to warm her up." I made sure she was tucked in completely.

Evellynn started to sneeze.

"Oh no, she's sick isn't she..?"

Darry placed his hand on her forehead.

"Yeah, she's running a fever now."

"But me cold..." She states sneezing some more.

" I know baby – Soda go get the cold medicine." Darry depended him.

"And the thermometer!" He added.

Sopapop went to find the things Darry asked for when we stayed with her.

"It's going to be ok Princess." I kisses her warm forehead.

"I'm sorry I let you down Dallas..."  

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