Could You?

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The last day of school was upon Zelda, but unlike most of her classmates, she didn't like summer break. Her parents had a vacation home up in the mountains. As strange as it was for a family as rich as hers to vacation in the mountains of all places... But it was a really nice location. Charming forests, hotsprings, open hills, really, it was fantastic. However, every summer she was forced to vacate her home in the city and go out there instead. It wasn't that she didn't like the vacation home, but she had to abandon all of her friends...well...she really only had one friend.

This time she would take hold of the situation and get the permission she needed.

She walked into the kitchen; her parents were sitting at the grand table. They were alone, and neither of them were on their phones. That was rare.

"Hey mom, dad, I have a request for this summer," she started cautiously.

"What is it Zelda?" her mother replied.

"I'd really like to invite one of my friends to spend some time with me at the vacation home, would it be alright if I did?"

Silence filled the kitchen as her parents looked at each other.

"Why, dear? We go to the vacation home to get away from our normal lives," her father asked.

"I get lonely up there. You guys are gone so often..." she said slowly. "If I had a friend with me I'd enjoy it a lot. Sharing such a beautiful place..."

Another silence followed but she could feel the difference this time.

She knew this time she had won.

"Of course you can. Just tell us what you need. Last year you did seem pretty down," her mother said with a soft smile.

That was always how her parents had been. They both worked, and they were both very successful in their positions.

But money couldn't buy happiness, especially hers.

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. Both of you, thank you," Zelda said as she sat down for breakfast.


School seemed to drag by at an excruciating rate. It was the last day, why would they stall so much? Were they enjoying this? However, school finally ended, and as she closed her backpack she turned to look at Link.

"Hey Zel, what are your plans for summer?" he asked.

"Well... Last summer we didn't get to see much of each other..." she began.

"Yeah, because you went to the vacation home for half the break," he interrupted.

"I'm sorry, I know you were upset that I vanished off the face of the earth... My parents took my phone."

"You've already explained this," Link replied patiently. "So, are they taking you away again this year?"

"Well... Uh..."

Link looked over and his expression dropped. "So they are..."

Zelda looked up at him. "Y-yeah, but my parents said they didn't mind if I brought a friend along..."

"Are you suggesting something, Zel?"

Zelda looked away. "Will you come with me? Can you come with me?" She blushed slightly; why did it sound like she was begging him?

Well... that was probably because she was. She hated leaving him behind with no way to contact him.

Link was silent.

"You'd have your own room, and you can stay for as long or as short as you want, and I'll pay for whatever travel you'd need, I just really don't want to be alone this summer, if it's a problem with your fami-"

Link held up his hand and covered her mouth.

Zelda quickly cut off her words and her eyes widened. "Wha-" she started as she grabbed his hand and lowered it.

"I'll see if I can," Link said, a smile appearing on his face as he tightened his fingers around her hand. "If I have a chance to see you this summer I'll do my best to take it."

I Wish; Zelink, Modern (The Legend Of Zelda) Where stories live. Discover now