Could It Be

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Zelda opened her eyes and stretched as far as she could, her nails scratching the headboard. She sat up and blinked a few times as she tried to wake up.

Getting out of the bed was always the hardest part of the morning.

Eventually she managed it and went to take a shower.

When she got out, she dressed for the heat; actually planning on leaving the house for once.

She walked to the kitchen while re-reading the texts Link had sent her last night.

"Hey Lana," she mumbled as she sat down, but as she looked up she noticed she was alone. That was weird, Lana was usually right there in the morning. Zelda checked her watch and noticed it was almost noon. How late had she stayed up last night? She couldn't even remember going back inside.

She ate her breakfast and then ran up to the window, and she was relieved when she found it locked. Good, she hadn't forgotten. Her parents would have been furious.

Zelda grabbed her bagged lunch from the kitchen, and noticed it was a little heavier than she had expected it to be. What had Lana packed for her? A full course meal? She tucked it into her backpack and left the house. She took the path into the forest at a leisure pace.

She loved the forest. She wasn't sure exactly why it charmed her so much. Was it the dappled sunshine making its way through the canopy? The little bushes growing on the sides of the path? The sense that being alone wasn't so bad when she was there?

She held on to the backpack straps as she walked, her eyes not on the path but on the canopy. It was really pretty; she loved seeing the different colors of the leaves, how they seemed to glow in the light, how they rustled in the wind.

"The creation of the forest is a miracle in and of itself, for all of this to come from something so small," Zelda said to herself as she walked along. "If a seed can grow into a tree, why not a dream into reality?" She chuckled to herself at her weird, improvised prose that she presented to the empty air.

"Isn't it a bit too early to be talking to yourself?"

Zelda froze at the voice mid step and she slowly turned around.

"Hey, Princess."

"... Link?"

"What, I thought you wanted me to come?" he replied with a small smirk as he held up his phone. "Isn't that what you wished for?"

She took a step back as she considered the situation. Well, he seemed real... so perhaps it wasn't a dream. She folded her arms and raised an eyebrow. "You're so full of it."

"Was I wrong then?" he asked.

Zelda tried to look annoyed, but she couldn't. "You're such an idiot," she said as she slid her backpack off of her shoulders and set it on the ground.

Link cocked his head. "Oh? Should I leave then?" he said as he playfully turned away from her and stuck his hands in his pockets.

"Don't you play with me!" Zelda yelled as she ran over to him and grabbed him from behind, and she playfully punched him in the side. "I was so sad you couldn't make it! I believed you!"

Link frowned. "Isn't it so much more whimsical this way?" he said as he grabbed her wrists from in front of him and turned as he spun her around, reversing their position.

Zelda sighed as she rolled her eyes, trying to throw off his hold on her. "You just enjoy teasing me, don't you!"

"Of course I do, Princess," he said as he laid his head on her shoulder.

I Wish; Zelink, Modern (The Legend Of Zelda) Where stories live. Discover now