A Wish Granted

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Zelda stared at him. If her face hadn't been burning so badly she might have believed she was merely dreaming; but she wasn't. Her hands were shaking as she thought about what he'd said; but she wouldn't run away from this. She looked down slightly, feeling his hand on her face go along with the motion. His thumb moved across her lip again and a shiver ran down her spine.

Slowly she looked back up at him and shook her head. "I won't," she said.

Link smiled, there was no misinterpreting her solid words. If he had the permission, there was no imaginable reason not to kiss her. He slid his hand back to her neck and tugged her towards him, his other hand lightly holding her chin so she wouldn't look away from him, no matter how embarrassed she may be.

Zelda wasn't complaining about the excuse she had to look at him in the eyes and not falter. The light gifted to them by the moon allowed her to see just how much adoration he had behind his eyes. Another shiver went through her as Link touched the corner of her lips with his thumb.

"Link, you're just teasing me now," she whispered, her playful annoyance ringing through her soft words.

"Of course Princess," he said. He smirked slightly and then pulled her towards him in a smooth, yet quick motion. He softly pressed his lips to hers; he knew it was her first.

Zelda wasn't sure what she had expected it to feel like, but it sure as well wasn't that. As Link leaned back to look at her, her chest was rising and falling at a rate reminiscent when she had been running around playing Frisbee.

"Was I right then?" he asked.

Zelda's lip twitched into a smirk. "You're such an idiot," she said as reached forward and grabbed his shirt just underneath the collar and pulled him back towards her. "You don't always have to be right," she said, and then she kissed him.

When she pulled away he smiled. "You're right, Princess," he said.

"And yet... you weren't wrong," she admitted. "That was my wish..."

"Always happy to help."

Zelda rolled her eyes. "As long as it's fun for you."

"As long as it's fun for you too," he said as he kissed her lightly at the corner of her mouth.

"You're teasing again; that's not fun."

Link smirked slightly. "You can't lie to me."

Zelda's cheeks, if possible, deepened in their shade of embarrassment.

He smiled as he twisted a piece of her hair around his finger and then let it fall back into place. "I know you too well... remember?"

"I remember," she said and rolled her eyes.

"You look good with a blush, you know."

"I suppose that's why you tease me so much?"

"You know me too well," Link replied and kissed her again.

I Wish; Zelink, Modern (The Legend Of Zelda) Where stories live. Discover now