Drama llamas

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The next day in school Coach Garmber puts out flyers advertising tryouts for both the male and female soccer teams. The sign up papers are crowded by boys and girls trying to write their names on the board. Soccer at Chester A. Author High is the most popular sport played. Unlike football and cheerleading , which in this school are occupied by your tree huggers, drama llamas, and bored media followers, soccer is filled by the popular people. You make the soccer team, and you’re instantly loved by all your fellow classmates. Gathering all her courage Robin prepares to fight through the crowd in order to sign her name on the pink paper.

Walking closer to the board she notices how the crowd parts like the Red Sea, whispering begins as people look in her direction. Ducking her head she wonders why this is such a surprise to them!

“What’s up, Robs?” Bruce says coming from behind her and slinging a casual arm over her shoulder.

Oh, that’s what they were looking at and whispering about. Apparently last year Bruce and Coach Garmber had a huge fight over who would be playing in the school’s champion ships. Punches and curses were thrown around and Bruce was told he’d never be allowed back on the team. He replied with a simple we’ll see about that, and since then we’ve all been awaiting this day.

“I thought you weren’t allowed to try out.” She states more as a question.

“We’ll see about that.” He replies again sending a smirk and a head nod in Coach’s direction. Garmber responds by turning angrier than a bull and snapping his clip board in two. Snorting he grabs a pen and signs his name in enormous letters.

“Just to tick him off more.” Bruce says winking and handing the pen over to Robin. Gripping the pen she twirls it around her fingers.

“I don’t think I can do this.” She sighs about to hand the pen to a petite impatient girl behind her.

“Neeuuu!” He whisper screams snatching the pen out of the now satisfied girl’s hand.


“Shut up Lois.” He bluntly replies without even looking at her.

“Sorry.” Robin says apologizing for his rudeness. She rolls her eyes then impatiently taps her foot.

“There you’re signed up.” He says pointing to the pink paper with her name now on it.

“Wait! I change my mind!! I don’t want to try out!!” Robin complains trying to snatch the pen back out of his hand.

“Too late!” He says holding it high above her head.

“Ugh, you’re so immature Bruce.” Lois says taking a pen out of her bag. Bruce reaches down and snatches the pen out of her hand too.

“Heeeyyy!” She wails.

“Just try and catch me!” He screams running down the hall like a lunatic. The crowds stares at him, wondering where the shy boy went.

“I’m gonna kill him.” Lois mumbles taking off at full speed then tackling him to the ground a couple feet away. Realizing this was sort of her fault, Robin takes off towards them. Catching her breath she realizes they’re arguing about rather irrelevant things.

“Your ate my friggin waffle this morning! Haven’t you taken enough stuff from me!” Lois yells pushing Bruce.

“Someone needs a midol.” He bluntly states a wide smile covering his face.

“I DO NOT-” she stops to take a deep breath, “Don’t you dare pull that card! Admit that your just an annoying poo faced cow!” That sends him into a fit of laughter and he puts her in a head lock, while rubbing her head with his knuckles and mooing. She mumbles other random insults under her breath.

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