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Im sorry.

Im obsessed.

Obsessed with you.

With keeping you safe.

I can't protect

who I've never met.

And it kills me.

It eats away at my insides.

It boils my blood.

I call you big brother.

We share not the same blood.

But you're still my big brother.

And I just want to protect you.

I sit by my window until I freeze

because listening to the rain makes me think of you.

I say 'danke' instead of 'thank you' just like you do.

To make sure I don't forget you.

I listen to your favourite song

to feel like we're still close.

Im sorry.

Im obsessed.

But when you find someone who's the same as you.

Yet the complete opposite.

You only meet someone like that once.

You're that someone.

You're going to be important in my life.

You already are.

Who knows?

One day we might walk down the isle together.

Who knows?

One day you might pull the trigger, setting off my death.

Who knows?

One day you might catch me as I kick the chair and let it crash.

Who knows?

One day I might bump your shoulder by accident, and spill your coffee.

Who knows?

Maybe we'll both die before our eyes are given a chance to meet.

Who knows?

Maybe we'll both slip into heaven if it really exists.

Who knows?

Maybe we'll meet, not knowing who each other really are.

Who knows?

Maybe none of this will happen.

Because this is all in my mind.

After all,

I'm obsessed.

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