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You're my family.

All of you in this group chat.

Some of you I've never seen eye to eye.

Some of you I have.

Either way, you're all my family.

You made me laugh when I wanted to cry.

You showed me there's always some good left in this cruel world.

You showed me the dark can be just as strong as the light.

You showed me how to be happy when hope is shattered.

You showed me how to live without hope.

You showed me how to carry on without acceptance.

You showed me how to smile again.

You showed me what a family really is.

Sometimes we fight.

We insult each other.

'Fuck you' as 'hello'.

'Later, horse fucker' as a friendly 'goodbye'.

But we mend ourselves and each other.

With a thread called love.

Not a romantic love.

But a familiar love.

Stitch me back together.

With a needle forged from memes.

And a thread woven from the lyrics of an anime opening.

If you find this.

You know if im talking about you.

Thank you colonel shitlet.

Thank you grammar nazi.

Thank you meme queen.

Thank you lurk lord.

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