My stupid ass rant

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so my friend was talking about he got hurt at a basketball practice and he said he didn't know there would be 'violence' and I told him how you just gotta make it look like an accident when you hurt someone and he was saying how they played a girl team and they can't hit back girls and im not saying dudes should hit girls but WHATS THE DIFFERENCE LIKE BRUH WE'RE ALL PEOPLE LIKE IF YOURE A GUY AND I HIT YOU, HIT ME BACK I FUCKING DARE YOU I DONT CARE IF IM A GIRL, THAT DOESNT MEAN I SHOULD BE ABLE TO HIT A DUDE AND GO UNTOUCHED LIKE IF I HIT YOU HIT ME BACK FOR FUCKS SAKES IDGAF IF I HIT SOMEONE IM PREPARED TO GET HIT BACK. It bothers me so much idfk why like I mean yeah I've gotten into fights with guys but Idek if they even count me as a girl anymore tbh but oh well sorry for the rant.

but like yeah, I hate how guys feel like they should hold back just because im a fucking girl like if I try to fight you im prepared for any kinda shit you throw at me. I don't know if it's a "chivalry" thing or some shit but lemme tell you this right here. right now. it's not. fucking. chivalrous. to assume. someones. weak. because. she's a fucking. girl. I'm not saying im stronger than most guys, because im not. But if I fight you, you could at least give me the decency of fighting me like if I were a dude instead of holding back. I just wanna be seen as more than a 'weak little girl'. I don't want people to hesitate playfully hitting me because I'm a girl. I can take it. go the fuck ahead.

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