another rant

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I'm scared. Im just really fucking scared. With the terrorism and shit, some people are saying that a third world war isn't such a crazy idea anymore. I don't know if they're just overreacting, or if it's legit but I'm still really scared. At first I was thinking "im okay with another war. I don't really give a fuck what happens to me anyways." But then I remembered everyone else. I don't have a huge amount of friends, but I still care way too much about them for anything to happen to them. And I have a friend or two that I don't think would have a high chance of surviving the war (I have a significant amount of online friends). I'm scared. I'm really scared. There're people that I try so hard to protect and it never works, and it's driving me crazy. I'm terrified of everything and people keep saying im 'fearless' and im just here like JUST BECAUSE IM NOT AFRAID OF HEIGHTS AND SHIT DOESNT MEAN I DONT HAVE ANY FEARS. Like.. Im terrified. At this point I don't know what I want more.. To save someone... Or someone to save me..? Please... Someone save me... I'm scared to even open up to new people.. I'm scared of caring about someone. So why can't I stop myself?! Why do I keep caring about more people?! It's killing me, I can't do it! All I want is someone to save me! I'm falling apart and the part that scares me the most is I don't even care! I just have no idea! I don't even know who the literal fuck I am anymore! I act so different around different people and I don't know why, I'm not being fake, it's just- I don't know!

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