Chapter 5 : Hanna

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“Ron,” I grimaced, pushing his hand off my knee after Draco’s random standing. “Please.”

What had that been all about? Why did Draco just all of a sudden stand with an angry look on his face? He looked more tired than the last time I had seen him. His bags had gotten bigger and his eyes were blood shot. Had he been crying? No, that’s not possible. He’s the one that had broken up with me. He couldn’t feel bad about it…could he?

“He did you wrong, Hanna. Why are you still so stuck on him?” Ron asked, making me look away from the love of my life. Well, who had been the love of my life.

“Look, Ron,” I said, looking down at my notes. “It’s only been a week. You have to give me longer. You’re lucky I’m even coming to class, but Bella dragged me out of bed this morning and threw me into a cold shower.”

He laughed. “That’s funny. I bet you’re glad she’s your best mate though.”

“I am,” I smiled. “I love Bella to bits.”

We then pulled out our cauldrons to mix the potion that we had written down the instructions to. Ron sliced, and I juiced. I stirred and he timed. I turned for a moment to check my notes with the bored, and he had put my wand and his wand up his nose like a walrus. I couldn’t help but laugh rather loudly when I saw it. It was quite the sight.

“Ronald!” I shrieked after a moment. “Get those out of your nose this instant!” I could feel the warmth on my cheeks as I pulled them out myself. “You’re so…so…”

“Hilarious?” He offered.

I shook my head. “Childish,” I simply stated before handing him back both wands. “Now, clean mine off before I take it back,” I smirked before finishing the potion myself.

“At least you smiled,” he whispered into my ear before waving his wand over mine and handing it back to me, “and that’s all that matters.”

I shook my head at him before deciding that our potion was finished. Professor Slughorn came over and checked it. He gave us an O and handed me an envelope before moving on to grade the next. I looked at it oddly. It just had my name on it. When I looked up to Ron, he just shrugged to tell me that he didn’t know. So, I opened it to find that I had been invited to his Christmas party.

“Let me see,” Ron took the invitation without even letting me finish reading it. “You going to go?” he asked with a smirk.

I shrugged. “I dunno. It’s next weekend, the day before Christmas holidays.”

“You should go. It could get your mind off of…stuff,” he said, cautiously stepping around the word we both knew he shouldn’t say. “Come on,” he prodded me with his finger on my shoulder. “It’ll be loads of fun. If you need a date, I’ll be happy to oblige.”

I smiled at him before giving in. “Alright. I’ll go with you, but you better be civil. No funny business, Mister.”

He crossed his heart with his pointer finger. “Cross my heart. Besides, I wouldn’t want to do anything to get on Bella’s bad side. I heard what happened the night that Dr-“ he cut off when I looked down. “Well, you know how she is.”

I nodded before tossing my bag over my shoulder. “I’ll talk to you later,” I dashed out of there before he could try to change my mind otherwise and before the tears started once more.

On my way out, I ran into someone and dropped my bag onto the floor. I wasn’t watching where I was going because I had my head bent down so no one would see that I had already started crying. I didn’t look up as I bent down to pick up my bag along with the books that had fell out of it. The person I had run into helped me.

“Thank you,” I sniffed and looked into a pair of grey eyes that I knew. “Draco,” I swallowed hard.

“Hanna,” he said, gently as he stood. “Better watch out where you’re walking,” he cleared his throat.

I nodded. “Sorry,” I mumbled before dashing out and letting the tears fall steadily.

My plan was to make it all the way to the Gryffindor tower, but my vision was blurred, so I stopped on the steps. I slid down the cold, stone wall and cried. I felt a warm body next to mine and couldn’t help but press myself against whoever it was.

“Shh,” they said into my hair. “Everything will be alright.”

I looked up into a very familiar pair of green eyes and weakly smiled. “Robbie, what are you doing here? You don’t have class anywhere near here…do you?”

He shook his head. “Nah, but I was running an errand for Professor McGonagall. What are you doing out in the hall by yourself? Aren’t you supposed to be in class?”

I nodded. “We finished early though, so I chose to leave.”

“Do you want me to walk you back to the tower?” he offered as he stood. “I see that you’ve had enough your first day out and about. Time to retire for the day?”

“You don’t have to, Robbie. I can manage on my own,” I said as he helped me up. “I don’t want to make you late back to McGonagall’s class. I know how she is when you’re late. Bella’s late everyday for that class.”

He laughed. “You’ve got that right, but I don’t mind. Plus, I’ve never been late for her class, so I have no penalties right now.”

“Thanks,” I meant it.

“It’s really no problem,” he smiled at me as we made it to the top of the stairs and rounded to the next set. “I’ve been where you are, after you refused me that is.”

“I thought that you would’ve been talking about Pansy…” I shrugged.

He laughed, half heartedly. “Pansy is…history, forgotten. So, you don’t need to worry about her and me anymore. We’re…not meant to be.”

I reached out for his hand but recoiled. It would be a bad idea, even if it was just to comfort him. A few moments later I found that his fingers and slipped through mine. They were nice, warm, and familiar. I felt like taking my hand back, but I didn’t. I didn’t want to take my hand away from his.

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