Chapter 22 : Draco

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I was surprised to see Pansy and Robbie walking around holding hands. I then shrugged it off because it was probably just another one of her plans to try and make me jealous. You would think that she would’ve learned by now that I don’t want her, especially since I wasn’t with Hanna. Apparently, she was with someone else. Hanna that is.

“Draco?” I looked around from my seated position at the Slytherin table.

There was Bella standing right in front of me. “We need to talk.”

I shrugged. “What is it now?”

“How could you?”

I looked at her funny. “How could I what?”

She sighed and rolled her eyes. “How could you sleep with Hanna right before the holiday? You gave her false hope that you two will ever be together. Your self control has been –wait, I’m pretty sure that you don’t have self control. You’re led around by your dick.”

I blinked at her. “Are you serious right now? I fell in love with Hanna, and I waited to sleep with her. I haven’t slept with anyone since. I haven’t even thought about another girl since we’ve been together.”

“Really? How am I supposed to believe that?” She started to tap her foot. “Just stay away from her, okay? Her life will be a lot better without you.”

I laughed. “Seriously, Bella, you used to be all for us. What happened?”

“You happened!” She yelled, and I flinched. “You went and broke her heart. She doesn’t deserve that, no does she? Hanna is sweet and innocent, all the things you are not! So just-“

“Bella!” We both turned to find that the voice belonged to Hanna. “Why are you yelling at him? He doesn’t deserve that. Besides, I’m not as sweet and innocent as you believe. I love him, okay? You really shouldn’t tell the man that I love to stay away from me. I thought you were my best friend?”

“I am,” Bella went to protest, but she ran out of the Great Hall. “Great. Now look at what you’ve done.”

“What I’ve done?” I stood up to look her straight in the eyes. It was the first time that I wasn’t afraid of her, the first time that I had stood up to her. “You’re the one that was searching for a yelling match. I was just sitting here minding my own business. So, you get out of the way while I chase after her.”

She quietly caught my arm when I made to pass her. “Draco, I know that you’ve been arranged a marriage,” she whispered. “Don’t build her hope up again only to be dragged down later. It’s not what she needs.”

“I know what you’re telling me,” I whispered back. “She needs tall, pale, and dark blonde.”

“So, you know,” she looked at me sadly. “I know that you love her, but you’re not good for her, Draco. Just tell her that, okay. Let her be happy for once in her life because that’s what she could be with Simon.”

 I sighed. Maybe she was right. I wasn’t good for her at that time. If this Simon guy made her happy, then so be it. I wasn’t about to ruin her happiness just so I could be happy during the darkest time of my life. I just hoped that later on down the road we could be together.

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