Chapter 11 :Draco

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I didn’t mean to scream. I was already in enough trouble with sneaking into the party. I didn’t get caught in his office, which is a very good thing. That stupid squib caught a little ways outside of it. He wouldn’t have if I hadn’t been looking for Hanna in the first place. I wasn’t paying any attention and was caught off my guard. I then saw her as he was pulling me towards Snape, who didn’t look too happy with me.

“Draco?” Hanna looked oddly over at me.

“What’s the meaning of this, Draco?” Slughorn had approached me.

Well, it was his party, so I had better charm him, right? “I’m so sorry, Professor. I wanted to attend your party so much, so I gate crashed. I hope you’re not terribly angry with me.”

“Well,” he thought only for a second. “It is Christmas. Why don’t you just stay, my boy? The more the merrier!”

“Thank you, Professor,” I pulled from that stupid squib’s grips, who seemed rather surprised at my luck. What he didn’t know was, my charm worked on just about everyone, except for him that is.

“Draco,” that git just didn’t give up, did he? His rather large nose is getting on my nerves. “I would like to speak to you outside, if only for just a moment.”

“Now, Severus,” Slughorn looked rather taken back. “Have the Christmas spirit and don’t be too hard on the boy.”

“I will discipline my students how I see fit, Horace. Now,” he grabbed me by my collar, “I’m taking this boy outside and talking to him.”

Once we were a fair distance from the party, he let me go. I rubbed the place where he had a hold of me. He probably didn’t know his own strength. I turned to face him. He had his arms crossed and a glare that could kill on his face.

“Are you stupid, boy?”

“What are you talking about? I was doing just fine until that stupid squib came along. If it wasn’t for him, then I would’ve been able to get out, no problem,” I huffed. He was really pissing me off.

“You were probably looking for that girl, weren’t you? You have done well to distance yourself from her, but you can’t control her, Draco. I saw that look in your eyes when you screamed at her when she was about to kiss another boy. I know it hurts, but you have to let her go. You have to let her live her life.”

I rolled my eyes. “I wasn’t looking for her. I actually had a purpose to be there, you know?”

“And what purpose would that be? It sure did look like you were there to spy on your ex.”

“You would really like to know wouldn’t you? You would want to steal my idea and finish this mission for me, so you can steal all my glory! You’re high standing with him just isn’t enough? You have to have mine and my family’s as well! You know how my father needs for me to do this,” I backed away from him. “Why don’t you and your big nose just take a hike?”

“I’m only trying to help you, Draco. There’s nothing more to it-“

“Ha! I bet that’s a lie and a half. In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t want your help.”

“I promised your mother I would. I made the Unbreakable Vow to protect and help you. I’m only ful-filling it.”

I rolled my eyes once more. “I guess you’ll have to break it then, won’t you?”

With that, I started my walk back to the party. He didn’t try to stop me or follow me. It seemed to me that he was finally getting the message. I smiled to myself as I looked back to find that Snape wasn’t there anymore.

“Watch where you’re goin-“ I was about to yell at the person who had just ran into me, but I had to stop because I was surprised to see her. “Hanna,” I swallowed hard.”

“We need to talk,” she told me. “In private.”

I nodded. “Alright,” and led her over to my dorm. It was easier since we were already in the dungeons. I wanted to talk to her too. Those past three weeks had been tough on me. It seemed like it had been forever since I had held her in my arms, since I had kissed her perfect lips.

“Draco,” she sighed and sat down on my bed. “I know that you’re a deatheater. I think I knew before you confirmed it that night, but you had to have known before that that I was muggleborn. I know I didn’t come right out and tell you. That’s my fault, but don’t you think that keeping your secret was worse than mine?”

I sighed. How did I answer her? I couldn’t think of anything to say to her because she was right. I have betrayed the whole wizarding world just to please my father. I hated my father. Why should I work to save his glory? I know the reason. I love him deep, deep down inside.

She then stood and approached me. “Okay, you’re not going to answer that, obviously. So, how about this one? Did you really fall out of love with me?”

I looked deeply into her eyes and shook my head. “No, I didn’t.”

Those words came out of my mouth so smoothly. The night that I had broken up with her, I couldn’t say what I really wanted to say. The only things out of my mouth were hurtful. I didn’t even think of half those things to say to her. She looked down at my wrist and pulled my sleeve up. I know that she wanted to see for herself that I had betrayed everyone, betrayed her. As I looked down at my mark, I wondered if it was because of it that I had said those things to Hanna. Could he really control me through the mark? I made a mental note to talk to Snape.

“I still love you, Draco. I know that you hurt me, but I probably hurt you when I didn’t tell you about my blood status. I hardly thought that blood was all that important. I know that you’re a deatheater, but I still want to jump your bones. You know that? Every day when I see you walk around, I just want to grab you and make you believe that I didn’t mean to hurt you-“

“You didn’t hurt me,” I interrupted her. “I don’t know what came over me that night, but you not telling me that you’re muggleborn didn’t hurt me one bit. I don’t give a damn that you’re not pure blood. It’s everyone else in this bloody world that gives a shit. I still think you’re the most wonderful, beautiful person I have ever met, and I would give up loving you for the world.”

She looked at me oddly. “But you said-“

“Forget about what I said that night. I never wanted to hurt you. You have got to believe that those words weren’t mine. I mean, I thought about them because I had to break up with you. I can’t take you back, Hanna. I have to get over you. I don’t want to, but I have to,” I had to hold back the tears that had sprang up. I had to stay strong for her.

She licked her perfect lips. “I understand. It would be too dangerous if he found out about me, not only for you but me. I love you, and I always will, Draco.”

“Same here,” I smiled at her.

“I’m glad you explained things to me. I was too hurt just sitting in the dark. Thank you,” she said before turning towards the door. “Draco?” she said, stopping just as she went to turn the knob and turned to face me.

“Yes, Han?”

She took a deep breath. “Can I have one last kiss?”

“I thought you would never ask,” I said, closing the distance between us with just four steps.

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