Chapter 7~Revealed

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'Padme' scoffed again

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'Padme' scoffed again.  "What are you talking about" she responded hotly. All was quiet, to quiet. The lights flickered on and off repeatedly. Adding an eerie effect on the situation. 

I narrowed my eyes. "You are not my sister" I repeated. Shadows cast onto 'Padme's' face, she raised her chin confidently. "Who are you!" I demanded.

She smiled devilishly. "I'm surprised you figured it out Lateia" A voice that was definitely not Padme's came out of her mouth. The voice was distinctly female, but...different.  "Considering that you're the unintelligent version of your sister" she sneered.

"I said, who are you!" I yelled. "How dare you pose as a high galactic senator of the Republic."

'Padme' looked unamused. "Please, your just a meek little girl who can't do anything against me" She kicked the carpeting with her delicate shoes.

"I am a Jedi and a Queen!" I was now furious. How dare she pose as my sister, a senator! That is treason in it's highest form.

"You" she poked my cheek. "Are a Padawan" I flinched away. She stood up straight. "I am Asajj Ventress"

I have never heard of this name before. "Who sent you?" I reached for my weapon. Gripping the hilt of Obi-Wan's saber, the metal felt cold in my grasp. I squeezed the hilt for reassurance.

She sneered. "Your little weapon will do no damage to me" She still possessed the form of my sister, I was infuriated.

Suddenly the weapon flew from my grasp. I reached out, but I was to late, Asajj caught it swiftly. She spun the saber in her hand, laughing maniacally. She stepped closer. With every step she took I took a step away. I stumbled on my tattered dress. The once beautiful white gown, was stained with dirt and dust.

I snatched a pebble from the carpet and threw it at the assassin. I heard her gasp. I took the time I had and ran. I had no idea where I was going, I just knew I had to escape. I yanked my damaged hair out of it's up-do, the long brunette waves tumbled down my back.

From behind me I could hear the sound of faint humming. In this sector of the building, all electricity was down. I only had my senses to guide me. I whipped my head around, nothing.

Suddenly a glowing beam of red light protruded from the wall beside me. A scream that could shatter glass escaped from my lips. "Blast! Aayla!" I yelled, my voice echoed off the metal walls. "Aayla!" I called once more and I scrambled down the hall, away from the lightsabers, and away from the assassin.

My feet thumped on the ground as I ran faster and faster. The hum of the assassin's curved sabers grew fainter the further I ran. I sighed, Master Ti will not be happy with the theft of Obi-Wan's saber. I slumped my shoulders in defeat. "Oh no" I mumbled.

I finally approached the grand doorway. A silhouette of a Twi-lek was present outside. "Aayla!" I called out. Relief spread through my body. The Jedi master glanced in my direction, her blue head tails swung around.

"Padawan" She looked down at me and stuffed her holo-com in a pocket on her maroon coloured pants. "I was worried sick" she threw her arms up. "I-" I stopped her.

"Master Secura, I understand I was wrong and I shouldn't have away" I spoke sincerely. "But we have a larger matter at hand" I spoke grimly and brushed a curl out of my face.

Aayla scrunched her eyebrows, clearly confused. "What do you mean Padawan?" She raised her eyebrows at me.

"An assassin by the name of Asajj Ventress, is present in the building" I pointed towards the Senate building. "She is posing as my sister" I narrowed my eyebrows, anger and frustration coursed through my veins. Aayla's eyes narrowed. "Do you know this assassin?" I asked my eyes widened.

"She is an enemy of the Republic, a cunning assassin of the Separatist alliance." Aayla spoke with distaste. "Count Dooku had sent her" she nodded.

I huffed in anger. A member of the Confederacy of Independent Systems was posing, as my sister! I bit my lip.

"Do not worry young one" Aayla placed a hand on my shoulder. "I will send for reinforcements and we will put Ventress to justice"

I smiled with a nod as Aayla switched on her holo-com.

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