Chapter 11~The Battle in the Galaxy Above

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My eyes snapped open

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My eyes snapped open. The feeling of unease spread through my now awake body. I noticed that I was in the Jedi Temple's infirmary. My head was positioned on a soft white pillow, and a warm blanket covered my body.

I glanced around the dim room incredulous to the situation. Not one Jedi or doctor was present, humph. Sighing, I threw the blankets off of me and slowly slid off the bed.

I realized that someone had changed my clothes. I cringed at the thought, but I was very grateful. I smiled down at my new clothing. The deep violet, velvet dress, billowed behind me as I travelled down the eerily dead hallways.

"Amidala!" A deep voice stopped me in my tracks. I slowly turned around, an eyebrow raised.

"Excuse me?" I was not used to anybody addressing me by just my last name. "Why di-" my eyes widened as I realized that it was Master Windu, who had called me.

"I am so sorry Master Windu! I thought-"

Master Windu raised up a hand to stop me. "There is no need. "I have just come to inform you that the Coruscant skyline is under attack by the Separatist."

I gasped.

"A few Jedi including Master Kenobi have gone up to assist the battle"

I stared wide eyed at Master Windu. This was outrageous! This war has been going on for too long, someone must do something.

"Master Windu I understand the situation, but fighting will not end this war" I spoke sternly, trying to persuade the Jedi to go down a different route.

Master Windu muttered a few words that sounded like: She really is related to Senator Amidala. "It's to late to do anything your highness." He brushed past me and continued on his way.

"Very well" I muttered and continued on my way.

In time the war will arrive at the temple, the Sacking of Coruscant will happen once more. The Jedi are not prepared.

I took a sharp turn around a corner and nearly collided with a small, round astromech droid.

"A BB unit?" I muttered examining it's blue figure. "BB-4? Is that your name?"  I asked.

The astromech let out a series of beeps

"Who do you belong to?" I muttered, circling the droid for any clue of who the droid belonged to.

"No one?" I asked, bewildered at the little droids response. "But you're so cute" I smiled.

The BB unit rolled around until it bumped into my leg. "I suppose you can come with me" I sighed as the droid happily beeped.

The sound of crackling static brought me out of my thoughts. I grabbed my holocom from a pocket in my gown.


"Obi-Wan? What's wrong?" I panicked.

He chuckled. "Look out the window" he told me.

I cautiously shuffled to the window, BB-4 behind me. As I peered out the elegantly designed window, my jaw dropped. I stared in disbelief.

"What. Did. You. DO!" I shouted into the com. Half  of General Grievous's flagship fell from the sky. Flaming like a falling star. "Are you in there?" I seethed.


I ended the call at that. Foolish. Anakin probably had gotten him into the mess.

"Oh BB-4, what have they gotten themselves into" I sighed once again glancing out the window. "Ray shields" I grumbled at the fiery comet. I activated my com once again, once the static disappeared I was able to hear the series of voices.

"We lo- so-thing-" Anakin' s sentence was drowned out by all the static. "Blast!"

"Can you at least try to land the ship?" I exclaimed into the com.

"That is what we are trying to do Lateia!"

"Doesn't look like it"

I crossed my arms and set the com near the window, and watched the scene unfold. I heard sirens in the distance. That's a good sign. I continued to watch as the ship slides across the industrial landing platform with a loud crash.

Fire speeders surrounded the wreckage. The smoking ship had crashed into a nearby building sending it toppling onto the ground. I put my hand on my stomach, watching the scene nervously.

"Another happy landing!" The sarcastic voice of Obi-Wan left my com.

I sighed once again. "Let's go BB-4" I motioned towards the temple gardens, hopeful to get outside and watch the events. I felt weird, I was not even concerned for Obi-Wan. It was like I knew he was going to be okay. The force works in mysterious ways.


The small Shuttle carrying Palpatine, Anakin, and Obi-Wan arrive at the Senate landing platform. I wait near the entrance with Master Windu and Yoda. My feet shuffle on the red carpet whilst I wait for them to exit.

BB-4 bumped into my legs nearly knocking me over and beeping wildly. I looked up to see Obi-Wan approach.

"What is the news on Count Dooku?" I ask politely. I remind myself that no feelings should be revealed in front of the Jedi and the government. I am a Queen so that is the way I shall act.

"Count Dooku is dead Your Highness." Obi-Wan informs me sending me into shock. I stare back at him, BB-4 lets out a long beep that sounds more like a whaaaaat. "Anakin killed him."

"What of the trial? Every criminal of the Republic gets a trial do they not?" I narrowed my eyes.

Obi-Wan let out a long sigh. "The Chancellor ordered him to do it" he confessed.

I raised an eyebrow. "He is the Chancellor! Does he not care about the Senate?" I sighed.


"What if the democracy we thought we were serving no longer exists!" I turned to face him.


"YES!" I yelled. "Yes" I said again in a much quieter voice.

"Where'd you get the droid?" Obi-Wan stared at BB-4.

I groaned. "Obi-Wan! We have a pressing matter at hand."  I narrowed my eyes at my droid and Kenobi.

"Lateia right now there is nothing I can do about it. But I promise I will look into it" He reassured.

He better.

Ugh done finally! I'm sorry if this isn't that good but you try writing whilst your cousin screams in your ear about hot wheels! 😂 Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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