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I loved the fact that Alyssa remebered this place. When my family was still human, she would come over almost every week. It was nice to have a friend that I could depend on. KC still looked at me confused. Alyssa ran through the house trying to relive the old memories. While she did that I planned to explain this to him. I walked up to the front door and sat down at the glass table that used to be hidden by papers, a Mickey Mouse puzzle, and Evan's trucks. I ran my hand along the table remembering how life used to be. KC sat down and glanced at Alyssa, who was running around like a maniac. We sat in silence. He was watching me and I was watching Alyssa run around. It was very amusing. I had never seen her be so happy before. KC took my hand and arched one eyebrow again.

"I'll tell you later."

I probably wouldn't, but I just wanted to enjoy being here. Alyssa ran over to the table and grabbed me by the hand. She pointed to every inch of the house and told me what used to be there. She was right ninety-nine percent of the time. She only missed where the picture of my Mom, Nana, and I used to be. The leather couch was still there. It was charred a little, but it was one of the few things that the fire hadn't burnt to a crisp. I plopped down onto the floor and Alyssa sat beside me.

"The reports said that the house was burned to the ground. There was nothing left. How, is it all here?" Alyssa asked

I shrugged. I didn't really want anyone knowing that I wasn't a true vampire. Especially not KC. Alyssa was very smart, and caught on quickly. She never brought up the subject again. The one place that hadn't burnt down was the basement. Alyssa never went down there, and she never knew about it. All of the stuff down there worked. I grabbed KC's hand as we walked down the many steps to the basement. As I opened the door I shivered a little. This was the last place I was human. The last place that I felt pain. The last place where all of my family suffered. Alyssa followed and took cautious stpes noticing there was only one way out, and she couldn't outrun us.

"Don't worry. We won't bite." I said in a, surprisingly, soothing tone.

She nodded her head and sat down on the floor in front of the TV. The cable still worked apparently. I turned the channel to Teennick. Drake & Josh was on. I used to watch this show all the time. KC sat down next to me on the small couch. He picked up the picture of my family photo and rubbed his thumb against it. I decided not to ask questions, since I wasn't answering any of his. I reached in my pocket to pull out my phone and assure my mom that I was fine. But, there was nothing in my pocket. I realized that my phone was in my purse, and my purse was in his car.

I got up to go to the car and then froze. This was all too familiar. None of us had a phone, we were down in the basement, and Drake & Josh was on. I wasn't worried about me or KC. I was worried about Alyssa. I fast walked over to Alyssa and we ran up the stairs. I heard KC following, but I didn't turn around. I put my hand on the door to see if it was hot. It wasn't, but I wasn't going to calm down. I checked around the house quickly and I pushed Alyssa toward the door.

She opened her mouth to say something. Then quickly shut it.

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