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I rubbed my forehead.

Gods, there was so much to think about.

Outside the rain was hammering the ground. It had to rain eventually. I meant, how else would the plants grow? 'Course, this ain't no ordinary place, so who knew.

My puffy pants that were as grey as the outside world – finally a different colour – and my navy blue blouse made an odd match, but were perfect for this sticky weather. At first the rain'd cooled things down, but as the day went on things had gotten hotter, and made one think of thunderstorms.

I stared at the book before me. Vines curled and twisted around a beautifully raw heart-shaped opal in the middle. Could this be the Heart? Somehow I didn't think so. Ajala hadn't revealed anything about what it looked like or how exactly it worked, but this book didn't seem so... I don't know, special? That it was of great importance I was sure, but the only thing that could kill a leader must be smaller, hidden away.

Whatever this book was, it didn't like opening. I tried forcing the clasp to things I'd heard in fairytales, but it stayed stubborn.

"For the gods' sake just open! Ah, I hate you." I threw the book across the room.

Whilst muttering, "Damn you, horrible thing." I picked it up again.

"The Rose won't like that you are throwing precious books through the room. There's only one copy of that particular one."

I whirled at the sound of his voice. "Flynn!"

"Not so loud m'lady, I'm not supposed to be here." He looked around. "Nice place ya got, and a nicer mood this time too, looks like. May I escort you to the Oak?"

"Of course." All my anger towards him was gone; no one could hold a grudge on Flynn for long. As we stepped out into the rain I asked him, "Why have you been keeping away from me?"

He frowned. "I don't want to, really. But the Rose ordered it, don't know why. And I have a few matters to see to, such as observing the matters in Miran."

"How are things over there?" It was the first time I'd thought about home in a while.

"A little chaos, as is normal when the crown princess suddenly disappears. At first they hoped it was like two years back, when you just turned up at the end of the day. But now everyone's searching, wanting the thousand stallions that're on your head. Well, it still being attached to your body. The first pretender has already begged audience. Thrown in the dungeons, probably. The King and Queen are worried sick, even though Srallard shows nothing of it. Monique is stressed out and teary, and she even wanted to lead the searches herself, but she has a kingdom to run."

"Suppose that doesn't make them elves. Are they even my real parents?"

"Oh, for sure. All Silera are born between men. Just coincidence you where already some crown princess," he reassured me.

"Some crown princess? You are speaking with Her Royal Highness Herself, the heir to the proud Kingdom of Lena," I said in my most posh voice. Even though I had not exactly enjoyed my status, a certain pride for my kingdom had found its way into me, and when it came to it I would defend Lena with all my heart.

"But of course. Forgive me, my lady." He bowed and held out his hand to help me over a puddle.

"Apology accepted."

Taking his hand, I jumped over the puddle.

"How will I ever rule two kingdoms?" I said with a sigh.

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