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 "No, seriously, I can't accept these."

"But we made them for you." My friends all looked at me expectantly. Between us lay several beautiful weapons, skilfully crafted. Three throwing knives, several daggers and two kinds of long slashing knives. And a beautiful, middle-sized sword. Perfect for me. Its pommel shaped like a cornflower. I ran my fingers along the beautifully engraved, leather-coated grip, and rested them on the cross-guard set with tiny opal hearts. The shining blade was long and slender, ripples of blue and silver betraying the metal.

A work of art.

The knives had the same grips, with each a tiny heart of their own, in different coloured opals. And my friends had combined their talents to make them.

For me.

Without reason.

I wasn't the kind of person that cried about things like this, but I felt so, so grateful.. I had never smiled wider. My attempts to learn weaponry at the castle resulted in having even my dagger taken away from me – which was very strange, because if there were to be war, I would lead the troops. And come on, everyone had a dagger. Now I was being made to learn, and my friends were giving me my own, my very own, beautiful weapons.

Why wasn't I born here?

"Oh, they're so beautiful. The skill," I said.

"Then take them," everyone urged.

It was very difficult to reject them, so I said, "Yes, ok then, but I'll never dare to use 'em."

"You'll have to," Romeo said. "They're the only ones you got."

"Not for training I hope."

"No, not for training. But you've been here for nearly three moons now, and you need a little change. And some experience. So," Sabrina paused a little longer than needed, "we're going on a little journey tomorrow. Be ready to leave at sunrise. I'll help you dress. Now, off to bed with you; you need a good night's sleep."

And off to bed I was ushered, quickly thanking everyone for what they'd done for me. Of course I couldn't sleep. Finally I was going to see more of the world. I had no idea where we were going, but it surely would be wonderful. In the end I did fall asleep, of course, but I had no idea when. My sheets were suddenly ripped off me, and, as if that wasn't enough, water splashed against my face.


"No, fakely," Sabrina's sarcastic voice said from the corner of my room.

"No, of course I wasn't," I muttered. "How did I ever get the notion?"

I pulled the chest from under my bed. On top of all the other clothes lay a new pair: Dark green long pants – tight, but flexible – and a sleeveless top that laced together at the front, up to my collarbones; unicorn.

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