5. Mason

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Dear Alexandria the Beautiful,

 I can not give you any clues if you do not ask questions, but I can tell you that I am British, sorry not American. Also, take in your surroundings? This is your second semester, you should know your surroundings by now.

Most girls love complements, whereas you question them. Why is that? Don't answer if you don't feel like it.

Of course I don't know everything about your life. Nobody does. Not unless you are willing to tell them. I know you have your guard up. May I ask why? Again don't answer if you don't feel like it.

Now don't you think Mason is misunderstood, he doesn't have to go here. He could do any prestigious university  he wants, or just not go to one, not like it matters, but he chooses to. It proves that he at least wants to learn. 

I guess he was just excited about the mystery. I love writing mysteries. I love being able to add as many twists as I can. I also love reading them as well. I like trying to figure out what happened.

As for helping writing one. I think you should write about something you can relate to. It's much easier than something wild, but if you do write something a little out there, that's good to. It means you are creative. It you do write something a little more out there, make sure to add a lot of details, they help you, and in fiction, you need details to make the story more believable, but make sure to remember what you wrote.

Wishing to be with you,

Mr. Mystery

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