Marriage, to him! Since when? 02

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This is dedicated to v123m17 for all of the wonderful covers she had made for me! Check her out, they really are worth it!!!!!! I'll show other she made ------------->>>>>>>here!

Chapter Two

"H..h..hey, b..boss." I stuttered. He nodded his head towards me and stepped inside. He still wore the clothes that he wore at work, the only difference now was the small black bag that he carried with him. Amy then decided to show herself from behind the wall, where her hiding spot was.

"Hey, boss! This is your assistant chef, Allaire McNaughton. Allaire, this is our boss, Everrette Valente. Now that we are passed the formalities I was just wondering...Not to be rude or anything but why are you here?" she asked getting straight to the point. He laughed.

"You get straight to the point, don't you?" he asked, still chuckling and quickly putting the bag into his inside pocket of his suit. Amy nodded and folded her hands across her chest.

"As both of you girls know, we are soon to be opening up a new restaurant. I need a manager there and an owner. Technically, yes I will own it but I want to give my selected person the expirience of actually being the owner of the restaurant. This person will run the place as if it were their own, they will decorate it and greet the guests. They will order all of the food and keep all of the workers in line. The most important thing is that they will uphold the Chef Ciel name. The reason I am telling you this is because both of you have been chosen." He explained.

"Really?" Amy and I both yelled at the same time. We both grabbed onto eachother's arms and started jumping for joy. Then we remembered that our boss was standing right beside us. We stopped and I started patting my hair and clothes back into place. Just then, the doorbell rang again and I reached over to open the door.

"That would be $42.69 please." the pzza guy said. I took the pizza and started heading towards the kitchen.

"Do you need any help?" Boss asked, grabbing the box from me.

"Sure. Thank you." I said and led him into the kitchen. I quickly moved our glasses of orange juice off the table and set them on the counter. I got out three plates and set them where our glasses had been, right by the pizza which boss had set down.

"Now that's settled, let's eat!" Amy yelled and came into the kitchen. She got out a spatuala and got a slice of pizza for me and boos before giving one for herself.

"Are you sure it's okay? I really should be going.." boss trailed off.

"my house therefore my rules. You are going to be staying with us while we celebrate our victory!" she said and went into her cubored and got out a glass of wine.

"Woah, there! We have work tomorrow!" I said and grabbed the bottle from her.

"relax, it's just a couple glasses of wine, what can happen?" she pouted and took the bottle back, filling up three of her wine glasses.

"Cheers!" she yelled.

"Cheers" me and boss replied.

Three Hours Later

"Being a boss sucks! You have so many papers and things to do, It'll blow your head off! BOOM!" Boss yelled. As you can tell we are drunk off our asses right now. Amy is dancing on top of the counter and I am in Boss' lap, while he talks about anything. It's actually really funny. I started laughing hysterically.

"You're cute when you laugh." Boss said, then he cupped my face in his left hand and started leaning in closer. I closed my eyes and leaned foreword, meeting him halfway. His lips were so smooth and soft, so gentle and caring. I could do this forever and a day.

I put his hands to my waist and straddled him, tangling my hands in his hair. He licked my bottom lip and I opened, letting him in. Our tongues explored each others mouths, fighting for dominance. I gave up after what seemed hours and Boss' hands started trailing my body. I moaned into his mouth and pulled back, while Boss just moved his lips down to my neck.

"How could we never have met before?" I ask while pulling him closer. He shrugged and pulled my mouth back to his. We became rougher with our kisses. I bit his lip and he groaned, picking me up and carrying me into the living room. I sighed as my back hit the couch and Boss hovered over me. he pulled away and I groaned, trying to pull him closer. He just looked at me.

I shuddered and finally he gave in, kissing me even harder than before, if that's possible. Then, just when I thought he was going to get ever rougher, he softened up. Man, he was full of surprises. I pulled away and started pulling off his shirt. I ran my hands over, enjoying the feeling. He wasn't soft but again he wasn't overly muscled. He was perfect.

"Wait, Boss should we even be doing this?" I asked, while he pulled my shirt over my head and kissed my collarbone. He pulled back abruptly.

"Don't call me that." he growled and continued kissing me.

"Okay...Garrette... Should we be doing this?" I asked.

"Don't see why not." he replied and I was lost in his kisses for how long I don't know. Suddenly, I heard a thump from the kitchen and a giggle. The front door opened and closed and I could hear Amy's boyfriend talking through the wall.

"No! Allaire's in there with boss!" Amy yelled and she started running up the stairs. Boss, Garrette I mean groaned and pulled me even closer. Finally we stopped and just laied there side by side on the couch while I fell into sleep.

"Goodnight, A. Sleep tight." Garrette whispered in my ear and kissed my temple.

Alright so i may be posting more than i had originally planed but hey, it's all in your benefit!

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