Marriage, to him! Since when? 03

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Chapter Three

I woke up with a headache. Nothing major and I could remember what happened last night. It actually wasn't too bad a hangover, well compared to the ones Amy and I usually get together. I felt something move. I looked down and seen Boss. Or rather Garrette. I wonder if he remembers what happened last night? Oh well.I shimmied over to the side of the couch and tip toed off into the kitchen.

"What should I do now?" I wondered aloud. I started cleaning up the mess from yesterday. When that was done, I started getting things out to make breakfast. I grabbed eggs-allot of them-, flour, bread, sausage, Bacon and whatever else was there for breakfast. I pulled my hair back and got and started. Cracking eggs into a bowl and getting things out of the cupboard was very calming. It felt like home. This was why I chose this as my career. It was what I was best at and really admired. Yeah, I seem really corny right now.

I put my I-pod into my ears and while I was cooking i started singing along and dancing. These were some of my other passions. But it's not like I can go anywhere with them so I settled my next choice. Or first. Whatever.

"Cause it's a beautiful night and we're looking for something dumb to do. Hey, baby I think I wanna marry you." I sang, shaking my hips and flipping pancakes and checking eggs.Suddenly I felt arms wrap around my waist. I turned to see who it was and seen Garrette.

"A bit too soon for that, don't you think?" he asked, kissing my forehead. I giggled.

"Hey, you never know for sure until you try." I responded, jokingly. I was happy to see he meant last night and I wasn't just the girl who happened to be there while he was drunk.

"Want to?" he asked. He seemed serious and it kind of scared me.

"Sure...when pigs fly." I said laughing. He laughed too and pulled me closer. I just leaned against him in his embrace.

"Oh no! " I said and spun around, finishing up all of the food. He just stared at everything on the counter.

"Did you make all of this?" he asked surprised.

""Yeah. I would have made more but I felt kind of guilty for just digging through Amy's fridge." I answered. He shook head in amazement.

"You really did this? How long did it take?" he asked, still not believing. I pouted.

"You really don't believe me? I work at your restaurant." I said. He chuckled.

"Just joking." he said and helped me get everything onto plates. When we were done, he flipped me against the counter and rested his forehead against mine. He leaned into me and I tangled my hands in his hair. Amy then chose that moment to walk into the room with Josh behind her.

"Whoops!" she said, smiling. "Did we interrupt?" she asked. I glared. Man, that girl had to have some nerve... Garrette sighed and stepped away, grabbing plates for us and setting them on the table.

"I'm going to kill you one day.." I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" Amy asked, grinning widely at me.

"Love you Am!" I yelled and gave her a big hug.

"That's what I thought." she replied hugging back. "Now, let's eat!" she screamed and everyone grabbed a plate, fork, etc and started eating my delicious meal. We were quiet for a while, enjoying the food. And then...

"Food fight!" Me and Amy yelled together and started throwing food at each other. We all laughed and Garrette picked up the maple syrup over Amy's head but missed and it got all over her arm.

"You didn't!" she shrieked and dumped eggs all over Josh. This continued for a while until the entire kitchen was covered in food. Amy and Josh started reaching into the fridge to grab more food so I ducked under the table, hitting heads with Garrette.

"Ow!!" I giggled.

"Ow is right." he said and we both started laughing. His hand slipped under my chin, tilting my head up. He looked into my eyes and I started blushing. He started leaning in and I pulled him closer.

"Aren't we taking this a bit too fast?" I asked he pulled away slightly.

"Do you think that we are taking this too fast?" he asked me seriously, I nodded and removed his hand from my chin.

"Alright then. We'll do this properly..." he said and got down on one knee..Well he tried. It was very hard to do under Amy's table."Allaire, will you please date me so we can get to know each other better?" he asked, putting an adorable puppy face on. Aw, how could I say no to that?

"Of course I can. I said and pulled him in for a kiss. He pulled back and shook his head.

"Not until after our first date!" he scolded cloyingly. I groaned so he pulled in a quickly gave me a peck on the cheek. Damn me and my big mouth.

"Fine." I said and also kissed him on the cheek. Whilst doing so, I reached onto the table and grabbed the bowl of pancake batter I didn't use. He started leaning in, despite his own comments and so I took the opportunity to pour it all onto his head.

"I'm going to get you!" he yelled and I giggled and started running towards the front door. He chased after me, grabbing my hand.

"Give me a hug?" he asked with puppy eyes. I turned my head away.

"No!" I yelled and took off again. This time he beat me to the door and gave me a bone crushing hug, making sure to drag his hair across every piece of available skin."Ewe!" I shrieked and laughed. I tried to pull away but lost my footing and we both tripped over the floor mat, laughing the entire way down. Garrette looked into my eyes and pulled me closer. I leaned in and kissed him, deciding that i didn't want to wait until our first date.

here it is! updating WAY faster than i thought i was going to but how could i not when my story is doing so well? <333 U guys so much!!!

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