Marriage, to him! Since when?

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This chapter is dedicated to the wonderful MiaZhang who has made the charming cover on the side which is ---------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>  wayy! :D

Chapter One

I rushed to finish cooking the dish that I had started to prepare. Although our boss was 'nice', he still liked to have things on time and in order. If not, them we were in heaps of trouble. Personally though, I had never had any encounters with him at all. I sighed, and sprinkled a pinch of salt onto the potato before giving the plate to Amy, who checked and put the dishes together so she was the Head Chef. I started working on my next dish right away.

Working at Chef Ciel was hard. It was french cuisine although we had other culture's dishes on our menu. I worked my best on these dishes, in hope of one day getting a restaurant like this and being able to run it. There was another Chef Ciel opening up soon and since our boss was already busy with managing the other three, rumor was that he was going to pick out the best employee from the original and hire them to run the new place.

I had my hopes all set on that job. It was my dream. Everyone in my family had other dreams, all involving politics and other big business names. They really had made it on their own way because to everyone in our family, our money that was passed down was to be left untouched until we had finally made it on our own. I am only living off the salary I get now, seeing as I am still but a chef and nothing else. I would only be able to touch my inheritance when i had finally become a great business women.

There were of course complications. For example,. if I had a job and career that my father or anyone in family found unfit, I would not be able to touch it. My family sucks. I chucked to myself while grabbing carrots to throw into the stew that Maire had started. I loved my family and would never do anything to hurt them.

"Hey, Allaire! Hurry up with the rice please! I need it in 5...4...3...2.." I quickly grabbed the pan of rice and gave it to Amy. She smiled and started calling to Marie to finish her plate.

It took a while, but finally we had slowed down and we were all beat. It took allot of energy into being a chef. People think that you just stand there and cook all day but in reality it's much more than that. The care you need to put into a dish to make sure it was perfect was allot. Without it, the dish would go completely wrong and be a complete disaster

"Allie, come on. Let's go to my place and get a pizza." Amy suggested. I nodded and washed my hands. I went into the bathroom and changed into casual clothes, making sure to take off my hairnet. Last time I had forgotten and it just so happened that I ran into a really hot guy who was on his way out. It was really embarrassing for me. Amy and Mark, however had found it hilarious. I shook it our, letting it bounce and curl and put the hairnet in my bag. I left the bathroom and went to find Amy who was still in the kitchen.

"Let's go." I said to Amy who had worn her mandatory clothing over top her casual ones. How she could have two sets of cloths on and handle the heat of the kitchen all day I have no idea. She smiled and we linked arms as we both walked towards my car in the employees parking on the far side of the building.

As we reached my car, I seen our boss.

"Hey, Garrette! Rough night in the place." Amy called. He nodded.

"Yeah. It was really packed. You did good on getting the dishes out on time though. Keep up the good work!" he said and smiled as he got into his car.

"He is HOT!" Amy shouted as he pulled out of the parking lot and turned right. I giggled.

"Sure is!" I agreed, unlocking the doors and getting inside my now hot car. "At least he knows you though. I never met him." I confessed a I pulled out and started heading towards Amy's home. She didn't live too far away from me, only being two streets down.

"You never met him?" she asked, surprised. I just nodded. "But he meets all of his employees during their interview he may be late yeah but he always shows up."

"Not to mine. Apparently he was busy building Chef Ciel number two at the time and couldn't make it so instead I met with his... brother? I don't really remember." I stated.

"Oh... too bad. He's really super nice and such a great guy. More like husband type to boyfriend though." I pulled into her driveway and we both got out of the car. She ran ahead and unlocked the door while I made sure that my car doors were all locked before heading inside.

"So, pepperoni and cheese with...mushrooms?" she asked, already on the phone. I nodded. "And have that delivered to.." I set my bag and shoes in her hall closet and locked her front door before heading into her kitchen where she sat, now off the phone and getting something to drink out of the fridge.

"Funny how we go to the kitchen right when we were in one for eight hours straight.' she mused. I laughed.

"Yeah. But then again it feels at home." I shrugged.

"Your right." she said and poured two glasses of orange juice. She handed one to me and I took a sip. "Now...Movie Time!" she yelled. I set my glass down on the table and ran into the living room plopping myself on the couch by the window.

"Let's watch...Thirteen!" I said, jumping up an down on the couch. Amy's and mine laughter filled the room as she put the movie in and jumped on the couches with me. Eventually, we settled down and began to watch the movie. Just as we were getting into it, the doorbell rang.

"I got it!" I yelled and ran to the door, Amy after me. I unlocked it and opened it, to my surprise seeing our boss standing there.

Comment, Comment, Comment! To let me know what you think of it! ♥

Marriage, to him! Since when?Where stories live. Discover now