Marriage, to him? Since when! 04

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   Chapter Four

 BTW:: The external link is my new Twitter page so follow me! I'm also trying to make a facebook page as well but I'm not sure as of yet if i will. Anyways, Back to the story!

  "Bye, Amy!"Garrette and I called out the front door as we left. We had just spent over an hour cleaning up Amy's mess while Amy took Josh and they hid upstairs doing God knows what. Not to say that Garrette and I let each other clean, because that would be a complete and utter lie. On one hand, it is Amy's house so she can do whatever she wants to, and I did make the food. But, on the other hand, however, it is her house so she should be able to clean it herself. Especially since she is the one who grabbed more food from the fridge.

      Even though Garrette and I had hid, we ended up being the dirtiest because of my little stunt with the pancake batter. I don't think that I should have done that. But hey, I had fun while I did it! And that's what matters most, right?

      Garrette and I started walking towards our car, him gently placing my hand in his. He led me over to my car and pressed me against my car, making sure that I was facing him.

     "So when did you say our date was?" Garrette asked.

     "I didn't." was my smart reply.

     "Well then, how about the two of us get together for dinner and a movie? There should be dancing and maybe even some games." Garrette questioned. I laughed.

     "I'd love to. Do I need to dress up?" I asked, mentally going through all my clothes back home. I did have a really cute purple dress, that could go with my new black pumps and Amy's gorgeous sterling silver jewelry.

     "Maybe you shouldn't get all dressed up. The people might not like it." he said, shaking his head.

     "Where are we even going?" I was really curious right now. A place with dinner, dancing and a movie but who dosen't like others dressing up? That was more than a little weird.

     "Just trust me. I know exactly what we're doing." he said, and opened up my car door for me.

     "Hey! I checked my locks about fifty times before even going into Amy's house!" I exclaimed. He just chuckled and jingled my keys in front of my face. "How did you get those?" I wanted to know.

     "You should watch your bag a little better." Garrette leaned in and kissed my cheek.

     "Darn. Maybe I should." I said, focusing on face. I wanted him to lean in and kiss me already!

     "Yeah, maybe." he said, pushing me right up against my back drivers seat door. He put a hand on my cheek and placed his other one on my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, until our foreheads were touching. He started leaning and we were about the touch lips when...

     "NO KISSING IN MY DRIVEWAY!" Amy yelled and started squirting us with her super soaker. I hid behind Garrette and closed my door before water could get in. She was laughing hysterically and started running back into her house saying, "Knew it wasn't a waste of money, TAKE THAT JOSH!" she screamed. I heard his yell which must have meant she squirted him too. Oh geeze.

     "Oh geeze?" Garrette questioned, shaking his hair out  a little and laughing.

     "Did I say that aloud? Oh well." I said. I leaned up and kissed him.

     "Amy...." Garrette started but couldn't get the words out. I pulled him closer.

     "Your already wet." I said and when i seen Amy run back out I ducked into my car fast and laughed as Garrette got soaked. Amy went back inside, pouting and closed her door. I rolled down my window and Garrette leaned in."Where did Amy go?" I asked.

     "That wasn't nice! And she went in for a refill which means I'm out! See you at work!" he said, kissing me again then literally running to his car when Amy jumped out her window. Yes, jumped out her window. I swear, that girl is crazy but I gotta love her!

     "Bye! See you later Aim!" I yelled backing out and leaving. Since my house wasn't far I got there in a matter of minutes. It was almost time for work so I ran upstairs into my bathroom and took a shower, getting all of the pancake batter out of my hair and other places. When I was squeaky clean (no, not literally)  I got out and got dressed. Since the shower was shorter than I thought it was going to be, I got dressed and did my makeup fast, taking the time to french braid my hair before covering it up in the hairnet. i went downstairs and started making grilled cheese when the phone rang.

     "Hello?" I called into it.

     "Hello, Allaire, darling! How's California?" my mom asked. I sighed.

     "I'm pretty sure it's great but as I've told you many times before, I don't live there!" I said, trying to stay calm.  Every time she called we had the same conversation.How are you? How is California? Are you engaged yet? It was annoying.

     "Oh, well how is your boyfriend?" she asked.

     "Good." I replied.This was different.

     "Good? You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend! Are you guys engaged now? How did he propose?" she had a billion questions.

     "Yes, we're engaged mom. But I gotta leave now and go to work."

     "Oh, congratulations! Honey! We're having dinner in a week at you house so be ready!" she said and hung up.

     "Oh no. What did i do?" I asked myself before grabbing my grilled cheese and putting it in a container to eat on my way to work.



So as you should have read the external link I have posted is my new twitter page! Help me decide to create a facebook page or not!

So sorry for the wait! I tried to make it  longer as my apology!  Not too sure how it turned out though....Now, I'm off to edit other chapters!


I'm going on vacation soon so I don't know how often updates will be or how long I will be gone. Won't be longer than two weeks tough that's for sure! Love you guys! I'll try to finish rezsponding to your comments now as well!

Marriage, to him! Since when?Where stories live. Discover now