Same old

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Your Pov

There has to be more to my existence than this. I've spent the last who knows how many years drifting around this mansion, I know how evil the males here are I've watched them kill countless young woman. Every time a new one appeared it tried to warn them, to get them to leave but no one ever saw me. So I gave up and locked myself away.

The new girl arrived a few months ago it caught a glimpse of her through the grimy tower window. She looked so young with so many possibilities to experience. Her beautiful blonde hair and wide pink eyes filled with life. "If only it wasn't dead. If only it could remember what happened before my death. If only." I haven't seen her step outside this past week. I suppose the new one should be arriving in a few weeks. I wish it could have helped.

Lavender's blue,

Dilly dilly,

Lavenders green.

When I am King,

Dilly dilly,

You shall be Queen.

Who told you so?

Dilly dilly,

Who told you so?

T'was my own heart,

Dilly dilly,

That told me so.

Call up your men,

Dilly dilly,

Set them to work.

Some to the plow,

Dilly dilly,

Some to the fork.

Some to make hay,

Dilly dilly,

Some to cut corn.

While you and I,

Dilly dilly,

Keep ourselves warm.

Lavender's green,

Dilly dilly,

Lavender's blue.

If you love me,

Dilly dilly,

I will love you.

Let the birds sing,

Dilly dilly,

Let the lambs play.

We shall be safe,

Dilly dilly,

Out of harm's way.

I love to dance,

"I wonder who use to sing this too me. Maybe then I might remember the rest of it"

Dilly dilly,

I love to sing.

When I am Queen,

Dilly dilly,

You'll be my King.

Who told me so,

Dilly dilly,

Who told me so?

I told myself,

Dilly dilly,

I told me so.

"I think that's the part your missing miss" a soft voice sung from behind me. The young woman who I thought to be dead stood there. Blood still pulsing through her veins with a small grin on her face. "Y-you can see me" "Can't everyone else" she pondered. "You're the only one who has spoken or even seen me since I died" I sheepishly grin, walking up to her. "You're not a vampire are you?" "No, I'd have to be solid to be a vampire" "So you're a ghost then?" she awed reaching her hand out. "Yea your hand should go right through- ouch! Hey! That hurt.....Hang on a second do that again" once again the woman raised her hand to push it through me only to connect with my shoulder. "D-does that mean it can touch you too" I softly placed my hand on her shoulder expecting it to go through only to feel the soft material of her jersey. "What's going on how....what....why? I'm so confused right now" it sighed removing my hand from her. "What's more important is getting you out of here" it decide grabbing her wrist before dragging her down a few flights of stairs toward the exit. "W-what are you doing" the blonde struggled. "Saving you. I'm tired of watching them kill innocent women" I stopped tugging and stared at her. "You have no idea how many women they have killed. How many times it tried to help, how many times I've failed. I can't let you die too" "Miss, it don't want to leave if I'm honest it have nowhere else to go" "I'll try help you as much as it can, Call me (f/n)" "I really appreciate it (f/n), I'm Yui"

"You should probably get ready for school, if your late they will punish you" it sigh tugging her back up the stairs. "(F/n), why are you here if you don't mind me asking" Yui asks staring up at me with her wide eyes. "I'm not sure the only thing I remember before my death is my name and that song" "So you don't even remember your family?" "I don't even know if it have one. Anyway you better hurry and get ready I'll stand outside and warn you when one of those brothers are coming, after all it can see them but they can't see me" it chuckle shoving her into her room "Be quick"

Well this was an odd turn of events. A human who can finally see me. Now to stop those brothers from killing her. Speaking of brothers. "Yui you better hurry that red-headed male is coming this way and it can't physically stop them" The door it was leaning on suddenly disappeared and it opened my eyes to see a worried looking Yui hovering over me. "I'm fine, be careful or those brothers will think you've lost your nut" it giggle pointing at the confused male. "Bitch-Chan what are doing hmm" he smirked moving closer to her. I tried throwing my body in the way to block him, only resulting in going straight through him. "NO!" "GOD DAMMIT!"I shrieked trying to pry his body away Yui. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I plead toward Yui's drowsy figure. Her sluggish eyes met mine and she fought to make a small smile appear "(f/n)..." she murmured before collapsing in the males arms." You bastard why can't you all just leave her alone" it shriek but it fell on deaf ears. "(F/n). Hmm that is an odd thing to say before fainting bitch-Chan" the male spoke up losing his flirty expression. He simply dropped her body onto the floor like a rag doll before strolling out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

"Oh Yui, your too gentle to be stuck with these monsters" wiping some stray tears off her pale face, it softly lift her head and place it on my knees. "I know it can't do anything to physically protect you, but I'll stay by your side and care for you until you leave. Or until they finally break your fragile body" it sigh slowly running my hand through her blonde locks. "T-that's...all...I....need" she murmurs weakly opening her eyes. "I wish you would leave" "They would just find me again, they have before" she spoke slowly regaining strength. "Could you grab a cloth so it can clean my neck" she warily asks. "Move your hand" it sigh reaching for the hem of my white dress. "What are you doing?" she gasps as it rip the hem of dress. "Move your hands, and I'll clean your wound" "Thank you" it gently but quickly dab the cloth around the base of her throat, cleaning away all of the red substance. "You know you smell pretty familiar" it ponder out loud. "Really?" "Yea, like someone it knew before it died" "You sure you're not a vampire?" "How many times must it assure you, it am not a vampire Yui? I have no fangs and I'm dead" it sigh. "So my blood doesn't affect you" she asks sitting up beside me. "No" "okay then" she grinned standing up. "You shouldn't be-" I'm cut off when her eyes flutter shut and she collapses on me sending me tumbling to the ground. "I warned you" it grumbled from beneath her.

"Hey (F/n), your bleeding" she sleepily mutters before passing out once again. "It's your blood idiot, the dead can't bleed" Heaving her body up it lightly drop her onto her bed, tugging a wool blanket over her. I raise my palm to the drop of blood resting on my cheek bone and wipe it away with my thumb. To think those brothers act the way they do over this little red liquid. Without really thinking it lick the droplet off my finger tasting the copper liquid. "God that was disgusting never ever again" it shudder looking back at Yui's figure with sleepy eyes. It couldn't hurt to sleep for a little, after all it's not like anyone else can see me. Quickly making my decision it curl up at the end of her bed and close my eyes.


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