I'm a real boy!! I mean girl!!!!

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Your Pov

I danced and swirled around Reiji's room as Kanato questioned him about my condition. "Kanato ask Reiji if it is possible to bring half dead people back to life" i groan flopping onto the fluffy floor, spread out as a starfish. "I don't want to know who your bring back to life but just get them to drink this" Reiji sighs thrusting a  random red vial at Kanato. "Trust me Reiji" he giggled pressing the vial to my lips causing me swallow the copper solution. 

"God that was gross! I think i'm gonna puke" i gasp running to Reiji's bathroom. Much to my relief i didn't puke but i felt heavy. "False alarm i didn't need to puke" i cheer. "(f/n)?" Reiji stood their staring at me with his mouth agape. "You can see me...which means it worked....so i'm alive..........I'M ALIVE!" i shriek tackling them both to the ground. "Well if you will excuse me i'm going to empty the kitchen, this ghost doesn't even know how long she's gone without food" With that said i quickly bolted down to the kitchen.

God how many years has it been since i ate. "Hmm i think i'll have this, maybe some of this. I need this and maybe a little bit of that" i decided grabbing random packets and boxes out of the Pantry. "(y/n)-chan what are you doing i told you i'd make you a sandwich" A flustered Yui mutters taking all of the precious food from my hands. "M-m-my babies!" "Just wait i'll make you a sandwich" "But yui-chan!" i whine trying to desperately save my babies from her. "Bitch-chan where are you" I hear a voice call from the hallway.

"Yui something amazing happened so watch this" with a quick smirk i ducked behind the kitchen counter as Laito slaunders into the room, Flashing his fangs at Yui as he moved closer. "time for lunch bitch-chan" "LAITO SAKAMAKI WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" I bellow launching myself at the red head. Instead of going right through him like  i normally do, i took the wide eyed boy down with me. "(f/n)?" "Don't you (f/n) me" i spat pinning him by his throat. "Now my dear brother we are going to have a lovely little chat"


A/N: I'm back my readers sorry its so short and that it's been so long, but don't fear i should be able to update more    = ^.^ = 

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