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Your Pov

As i began to wake up i feel a slight weight in my hand. Slowly fluttering my eyes open i see my big brother sleeping beside me my hand encased in his between us. I remember when i was younger i use to have nightmares so i would sneak from my tower to Subaru's room and we would sleep hand in hand. "(f/n)?" Subaru sleepily asks half opening his eyes. "I'm here oni-chan" i soothe giving his hand a light squeeze. "Don't leave again. it was so lonely" he whimpers hugging my waist. Sure he always acted cruel and like everyone bugged him, but on the inside he was scared and lonely. "(f/n)" a soft voice calls from the door as kanato pops his head in the door. 

"Hey teddy king" i giggle. With a slight smile he waddles over and jumps into the bed as well, his teddy clutched in his arms. "Kanato, why are you in my bed" Subaru growls. "It's not just me" he giggles as the other brothers enter the room. "Sleep over" Laito grins flopping onto the bed along with the others (it's a huge ass bed).

"Shu even you" i sigh at the eldest who is currently resting with his head in my lap. "we may not share the exact same blood but you're still our sister. we missed you" he sighs before drifting off.  The others all nod before laying down to sleep. "None of you have changed i muse looking at them all.

Shu was sleeping with his head on my lap while subaru was hugging my waist. Laito and Ayato lay beside Shu their heads resting on my stomach. While kanato lay across shu and his triplets hugging my arm. As for reiji he lay on the other side of Subaru holding my hand. They may be my big brothers but their still like little brothers.

"I missed you all too, and i never plan on leaving again" i yawn drifting off with a light smile on my face.


I woke just as the sun was setting and looked at everyone still fast asleep only with one difference. Yui lay above Subaru, resting her head on my shoulder, Reji seemed to have moved as well his head resting on Yui's (Yui x Reiji - I ship it!) stomach still tightly holding my hand. 

This is my family. Even if laito ca be an ass.

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