The color white

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Your Pov

So far I've been through all their bedrooms and honestly their rooms were pretty, but hella boring. "Hmmm let's see what rooms should I check next" I hum skipping up a few stairs. Well I doubt anything would be in the library or the music room, maybe the west tower I've never been there before. "Well I guess I should look there" I quickly sprint along the corridors before stopping outside a dark purple door. I tugged at the door only to be met with the sound of a clunk. "Hmm that's odd they don't even lock their own rooms" I drift through the door only to be met with a stair case. At the top are two door opening the white door it reveals a wall of bars almost like a cage enclosing a simple room. "Who did they lock away" I whisper slipping through the bars to pick up a small frame.

A white haired woman had a large smile gracing her face as she held her stomach and a younger version of the white haired brother in her other arm. She must have been kept here. Everything within the room was cover in a decent amount of dust and cobwebs. I never remember seeing her I wonder what happened to her. I leave the room holding the frame close as I walk into the other room with a blue door.

I could see the room was once painted a light blue beneath all of the peeling wallpaper. A once white canopy bed stood in the middle of the room surrounded in what appeared to be children's toys. Books were piled by the thousands against one wall while a small violin sat on the bed. "Maybe this was her other child's room" I hum glancing back to the picture in my hand. I sat the frame on the pillows of the bed before something clicks. I just picked up that photo and moved it into another room... "Then this means I can touch stuff" I slowly spread my fingers and stroke them along the neck of the violin. I can feel the roughness and the groves of the wood beneath my fingertips. A sudden urge burns though my body and I lift the violin to the base of my throat.

It's almost as if I had memorized the song, as if it was imprinted into my fingertips. Oh my beautiful little girl promise me you will stand beside your brother, he will need you more than ever. A soft voice hums as if recalling a bitter sweet memory. I grit my eyes harder together continuing the melody Mummy please don't go a younger voice pleads my fingers begin to tremble. I'm so sorry now be a brave girl and remember mummy loves you always my beautiful little (f/n).

My body tenses up and the instrument drops from my fingers "Mummy!"

I quickly grab hold of the picture once more before racing down the stairs to the tower door. "What's going on I can't move through it" in frustration I kick the door down before running to Yui's room and curling up in her bed. A few images begin to flit through my eyes as I clench them shut. It was various images of me with the white haired male but they were always memories of me within my room never outside but we were happy and smiling and then the last image hits.

Mother was laying against the cold stone floor of her room, a peaceful smile dusting her face, her long white locks fanned out under her. "Mummy wake up" a younger version of myself begged shaking the bars trying to reach between them to grasp her. She never twitched or moved, she merely lay like a sleeping princess waiting for her true love to awaken her like the princesses in my books. But I knew that wasn't the same case as mother. A dark red stain continued to blossom like a rose above her heart. "(f/n)..." a small voice called from behind me." Oni-Chan" my younger self sniffles clinging onto the boy. "Its okay mother's free now"

"(F/N)!" a voice yells shaking my body. "Yui? What's the matter?" "You were crying" she sighs wiping away a few tears. "Yui I'm hungry" I mutter trying to change the topic. "Come with me to the dining room I'm having dinner but afterwards I'll make you something"

"Yui, the white haired boy he hasn't hurt you, has he?" "Subaru? He doesn't really interact with me so in a way he's the only one that's nice to me" Yui shrugged quickly going to silently enter the room. "Yui I know you can't speak back to me because the others are here, so I want to tell you what I found out today" I whisper as she takes her seat. Just as I was about to speak again he entered the room and sat down at the other end of the table. Completely ignoring Yui's confused face I slowly pad my feet across the tile until I'm standing by his side.

"Oni-Chan" I whimper reaching out my hand. Only to stop when Yui takes a sharp intake of air. All of the other males seem to eat and argue while Yui stared at me which my arm out stretched. "He can't see you" she sighed under her breath. "I know" I smile bitterly placing my hand on his cheek gazing at his eyes "Hmm just like mum" "Subaru was (f/n) your sister?" Yui spoke up causing all motion in the room stop. "Yui you shouldn't of asked that" I panic racing over to her and gripping her arm. "Bitch-Chan didn't I tell not to mention that name" Laito clicked. "How did she die?" Yui pushed on. "Yui don't they will hurt you again" I beg trying to pull her from her chair. "You really want to know how my little sister died you fucked up little human. She was killed by your kind, she wasn't even a fucken Vampire she was born human she was only ten" Subaru growled. "Y-Yui....I....I...d-don'" I gasped dropping to my knees before collapsing.


A/N: I was asked by a close friend of mine to start this seeing as she has a rather scary obsession with diabolik lovers. Updates for this may take awhile since i've only just started watching the first season but i hope you still enjoy x

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