Your dead.

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Your Pov

Silk. Soft and smooth. wrapped around me in a warm embrace. Finally opening my eyes i realize something. "WHERE THE FUCK AM I!" i screech bolting up in the bed. "What terrible language for a woman" a voice grunts. A boy sits crossed legged at my feet with his chin leaning on his palm. "And you are?" i huff. His lips pulled up into a tight smirk revealing a white fang. "you have to be bloody kidding me! I'm starting to really hate vampires" i shriek throwing my pillow at the smirking fool.

"Your mine" the male states pinning me to the bed by my hands. "I swear when my brothers find you their going to shred you apart" i spat trying to escape his vice grip. "They won't come for you, your as good as dead. Don't worry though i refuse to share" he chuckles grabbing my chin and turning it to the side. I kind of miss being a ghost right now. "I'm Yuma, your master now" he chuckles before biting into my neck.

Just a Shadow (Yuma x reader)Where stories live. Discover now