Chapter One

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In the dawning of time life was peaceful and unharmed by the cruelty of darkness. In day and night there was light and darkness was never seen nor imagined. I was a much younger version of myself, and knew nothing of the events to come.

I lived in the village of Crestonia where the people wore crests to protect themselves from any danger that may arise. Originally there were countless different crests that could control, conjure, and enable all things imaginable, but as fate would have it many were lost to the darkness of one boy who would come to be known as "The Dark One", but to the village he was simply known as Christophe.

Christophe was an orphan whose mother had passed during child birth and father of a broken heart. He lived by himself in a hut where light was seen by no one. Christophe could never see the light, for he believed that something so pure and good should never have let his life be so full of pain. His disbelief of the light grew stronger with every day, and I being the strongest believer of the light, spent every waking moment trying to convince him otherwise. In time my attempts at such a task were merely feeble in all aspects.

"Why can't you see that the light is challenging you to show your worth of life?" I asked him on the day he finally turned.

"Why would such a thing take every piece of love and hope from my life to make me prove myself? I believe that somewhere in this wretched world there is something more powerful and meaningful than the light will ever be." He said to me.

Little did I know he was almost one hundred percent correct. There was a darkness that was drawing nearer to our village do to the hate and disbelief in his heart. Later I learned of "The Black Chest", which contained this evil. When life began The Guardianship of the Light sealed away the evil that is darkness to make the world a place of love and hope. When creating the box they made it so that only a being that believed in such an evil, and whose heart had shut out the power of the light, could unlock the chest and control its power. The Guardianship did this believing that in such a wondrous world, no one being could ever have that much hate and disbelief in their heart at one time.

On the day known as the "Awakening of Darkness", I left Christophe's home discontent with my attempts at changing his belief in the light. I was nearly home when my crest, The Crest of Hope, began to shine with the greatest intensity. I saw all that had been and all that would be, in the smallest amount of time. Next it seemed as if the light of my crest enveloped my body and I was taken to a place where my bright heart of hope would not be harmed by the darkness. I watched from what seemed like a window as my friend Christophe, became my one true enemy.

He began growing older until he seemed to be a thirty year old man, his power grew every day. And in one years' time, the last tiny glimpse of light in his heart had vanished, creating the monster that roams the earth today filling the hearts of the world with hate and disbelief. He was no longer Christophe, but instead he had transformed into The Dark One.

I will never forget the day he truly turned, for it was not only the day I started my training as the newest member of The Guardianship of the Light, but it was also the day I saw my home burn with hate, lust, greed, and disbelief. Everyone and everything I had ever known was gone within an hour. I cried as I watched my parents fight over who had caused my disappearance. My grandparents, who were so weak had no energy left in them to fight off the wave of darkness that took them in the night. And in the end all that was left of Crestonia was scattered piles of dust, and the only survivor was Christophe.

Moments later, after I had watched everything I held dear to me burn to the ground by the power of darkness, I was greeted by a two bright figures floating towards me as if they were just rays from the moon and sun coming to set me free. I fell fast asleep and woke in what seemed to be a room made of nothing but clouds and light. There was a man and a woman standing by the door of light waiting for me to awaken from my slumber.

"I am Antoine, I carry the crest of Knowledge" the man said.

"And I am Joselin, I carry the crest of Honesty" said the woman almost immediately.

After hearing their words, I realized that neither of their mouths moved. I was confused at the idea that I was hearing their thoughts as though they were speaking to me. So, not knowing the art of telepathic communication I simply spoke like I normally would. Though, to my surprise when I opened my mouth to speak nothing poured out but light. It came out like a waterfall naturally formed from my mouth. Surprised I quickly closed my mouth.

"Do not be frightened AJ," the woman said to me in my mind, with such beauty, "the light in your heart is so immense that it simply has nowhere to go but out. It is there to protect you from the recent events that have led to the Arise of Darkness."

"We are here to help you understand why you have been brought here," said the man in a voice that was course yet loving, "we are your true parents, and have been sent to greet you for it has been twenty years since we saw you last."

With this new information I simply opened my mouth once more and then once again was taken by my dreams. 

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