Chapter Two

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When I awoke, feeling as though I had slept for days, I was in yet another new room, this one looking more like a regular room rather than one made of clouds. My true parents, or light parents as they are called, were nowhere to be seen. I sat on the side of the bed and decided that I was still dreaming and that none of this was real, but that illusion was shattered when the pinch to wake me up truly did hurt.

"He needs to know why he was summoned home." I heard Antoine say.

"Not now, he just only got here and the transition room caused him more than enough trauma than I think he needed for one day." Replied Joselin.

"I still can't believe that our light child is the chosen one, why weren't we told this before," said Antione "he is barely twenty years into his human life he should have had more time to live normally. He shouldn't be learning the ways of the Light, he should be looking for his one true human mate. I am going to have a serious talk with Xylina about this, I wanted AJ to have a long normal life and grow old before returning to us."

"Don't you think I feel the same way about all this Antoine," replied Joselin in agreement "but going to Xylina won't do anything, we should be proud that our offspring was given the opportunity to save the world that we spent so long creating. AJ is the Chosen One and once he has finished his training he will become the True Light. He will achieve great things."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, there was no way that in darkness or light that I could ever be any type of Chosen One. They had the wrong person, and I had to get out of whatever place I was in before I became the True Light. I looked around for a window to climb out of but there were none. So I decided to wait until Antione and Joselin left to make a break for it.

Two long and boring hours passed before they finally decided to go get me something to eat for when I woke up. I slowly opened the door to see them round a corner at an extremely long hallway. I turned to see if I had left anything and sure enough my crest was on the bedside table next to a drawing. I sighed and walked towards it, but as I got closer I realized that it was not just some ordinary drawing but later learned it was a picture. The picture seemed to be glowing with what felt like love. As I drew nearer I made out Antione and Joselin holding a baby boy wrapped in a blanket of light. I immediately realized that the child was in fact me and that the love I was feeling was Antione and Joselin's love for me.

I grabbed my crest and wiped a tear from my eye, because the love that I felt was so immense. I went for the door again and as I reached for the handle I froze. How could I disappear from the two people left who truly loved me, not only would they be heart broken, but I would be giving away the last hope of happiness that I may ever have. Plus to tell you the truth I had absolutely no idea how to get back to my home, so I turned back around and sat on the bed and stared at the photo.

Their faces were so lit up and glowing, the only other time I have ever seen that much love in two people's eyes was on my human parents eyes every time I looked at them. I always loved coming home and seeing that look in their eyes and never thinking that anything would ever change. Apparently I was mistaken.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and as I wiped my eyes dry of the many tears I had shed for my human parents and the photo I granted entrance to whomever had knocked. It was Antione and Joselin, with two large handfuls of bright colored fruit. They came and sat on either side of me and each looked at me with a smile on their faces and love in their eyes. Joselin looked as if she was going to cry, and Antione was going to burst with pride. I stood and turned towards them with my hand out stretched and they peered at me confused. And then Joselin realized what I was wanting from her and shook my hand.

"This is a strange human greeting, and I never truly understood the meaning behind it." She said to me

"I agree do you know why it is that you shake the hand of your friends and neighbors AJ?" Antione asked me.

"It symbolizes unity and trust. We do this to ensure others that we are safe and of the light." I answered my light father.

"Interesting!" they said simultaneously.

After yet a long conversation about their "handshake", which consisted of touching the index

Fingers together and sharing a tiny piece of their light, I was told that I must be accepted into the light. I was confused, if I wasn't accepted into the light, why was I brought and still here.

"You were brought to keep you safe from the 'Dark One'. The Council of the Light was not yet sure whether you were worthy of this honor, but if you were, they did not want you to perish and regret losing you." Joselin explained to me.

"But as your light parents we are very sure that you will be perfectly capable of the tasks that lie ahead of you," added Antoine, "you are more than prepared in mine and your light mother's eyes."

"If you are so sure I guess we must go and speak with these council members." I said not fully knowing why exactly I said it.

"You are right my son, why put it off any longer, better sooner than later when they are tired." Replied Joselin.

"But first we need to get you out of those animal skin clothes, and into your white robe." Said Antoine.

They made me give them my clothing, and change into one of the cleanest white robes I have ever seen. Later I learned that my original clothing had been burned and from the ashes were made into the animals they once were and returned back to the physical world. The robe fit perfectly, I guess. Like a robe should be it was loose and went about an inch and a half past my feet, I had to pick it up when I walked.

"You look so handsome," said Joselin as she walked into the room "but it looks as if something is missing."

"Could it be this," Antione reciprocated with a bright blue belt hanging from his hand "the most important part?"

He handed me the belt, and as soon as I touched it the belt began to shine with extreme intensity. This lasted for about a second, and when the light left, there in the middle was my crest. The Crest of Hope. I glanced at Joselin and Antoine's belts and noticed that theirs were the same only instead of my crest, it was Antoine's Crest of Knowledge and Joselin's Crest of Honesty. I clipped on the belt around my waist and the crest shone just slightly now. Antione and Joselin grabbed each of my hands and led me to the councilor's chambers.

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