Chapter Six

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After I decided that everyone must have left, I decided to leave myself. I saw that the training area was completely void of people. So I began slowly walking toward the exit, when the bright walls seemed to become darker and crumble. This went on until I was in complete darkness. I began to look around and all that I saw was two small red lines and a faint look of smoke.

"The Chosen One," a deep and malicious voice rang out "don't make me laugh."

The red lines sprang open to show bright red and black eyes staring into what felt like my soul. I thought of running, but quickly shot down that idea, as there seemed to be no escape. So I decided to stand my ground and not let this unknown being frighten me.

"Yes, I am the chosen one." I said with a fearless tone "What may I call you?"

"The Dark One is what I am known by now, but" the voice was even darker "you know me as Christophe."

The name seemed to ring in the darkness. Then it suddenly stopped and was replaced with the most terrifying and evil laugh I had ever heard in my life. The eyes grew larger and more menacing and then rapidly flew towards me.

I awoke gasping for air and struggling to fight off the eyes that tortured me. The room reacted to my fright and opened the door letting Rade and a few more men in.

"AJ calm down, take a deep breath you are safe." My uncle comforted me.

I did as he said and was slowly calming down and regaining my composure. I looked into his light blue eyes with flickers of yellow and felt safer than in that of my human mother's arms. I lept into him to give him an embrace.

"Christophe is growing stronger," I whispered in his ear "he came to me in my dreams he has gained a new form. His eyes were red and black and that blackness seemed to go on for ages."

He slowly wrapped his arms around me and then picked me up and carried me to my parent's residence and laid me on my bed. He rustled my hair and then left, closing the door behind him. My nerves being worn out and my eyes wet from tears of fear, I slowly drifted into a deep slumber. I was not visited by Christophe, and was glad for it. But the fear of his possible reappearance, kept my normal dreams at bay.

Something about the way the darkness made me feel was not so much unsettling but more as a feeling of strength and control. I felt as if the darkness had no true control over me, but that I was it's commander. My slumber was cut short by several different blood curdling cries.

I immediately sprang from my bed and ran towards the closest of the horrific sounds. To my surprise it was my Light Mother. She was standing in the living area with her hands squeezed tightly over her ears. On second glance I noticed her eyes were closed tight causing the lids to turn a bright pale color. And then a glance at her nose was the final fright from the experience. It looked as if she was experiencing a bloody nose, but what was pouring from her nostrils was not blood but a black substance that seemed to begin to float out of the orifice.

Her screams grew louder and more tortured, until she dropped to her knees lifeless. I ran to her aid and tried with all my might to awaken her. "Mother are you alright, what happened."

Her eyes flew open and I could see myself in the shiny black color that had replaced her violet iris. Something was very wrong, and I could sense the darkness that was torturing her on the inside. I could hear her heart beating with the greatest intensity, as if at any second it would burst and I would lose yet another mother.

She slowly stood, her gaze never faltering. Dead eyes set upon me as if staring into my soul. She spoke, and it was as if everyone who the darkness had gotten to spoke in sync.

"The Chosen One shall fall. The Darkness shall rise."

I shook her, trying to release her but it seemed in vain. 

"Your attempt to save yourselves will be insignificant."

I was beginning to see myself losing her, and my heart sank. I couldn't believe that in such a short amount of time, I would be without a mother yet again. 

"AJ, you will NEVER defeat the darkness, for your fear is too great."

His words that flowed through my mothers lips, seemed to be telling me the truth that I had already accepted. 

"You are weakened by your fear, and slowly letting my darkness win this war."

Suddenly, I felt something unusual. My heart seemed to have skipped a beat and my breath raced. A tear slowly dripped from my cheek with the sadness and heartache I felt for my mother dwelling inside it.


As a maniacal laugh escaped the lips of everyone I had grown to care for in this new world, I closed my eyes to the sound. I thought to myself of my loss and my gain. I thought of my future and my past. The light inside all of those memories lived deep within my heart and gave me a wonderful strength I had never experienced.

My eyes flew open and gleamed with the light of a thousand fiery suns. My heart slowed to a relaxed and courageous state. My breathe seemed nonexistent. I had opened something inside me that would change my fate forever. I had let my life's path show me that light is something worth treasuring. Something that conquers the fear that dwells inside of someone. Light is the key to defeating our own personal darkness. My light was the key to survival.

With one sentence I struck back the darkness, and released my friends and family from his seemingly ending grasp.

"I fear no darkness, no matter its strength."

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