Chapter Four

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When I awoke, I was in what looked like a room that had been prepared for me. I sat up and looked around at all the photos of me on earth and with my human family. I noticed that there were toys for a baby and all the way up to a preteen. I was in shock, I could help but see that my light parents would save all of these things for me. Their love filled the room and pried its way into my heart. I got up and walked to the door, taking one last look around the room taking it all in once again.

The next room was somewhat of a living area for Joselin and Antoine. There were photos of everyone in their immediate family including my baby picture. I thought to myself about the size of my light family. It was quite large. There was one picture in particular that caught my interest. A man and a woman in golden robes with a bright blue background. I felt as if I knew them but I couldn't place them.

"They would be you light grandparents," said Joselin "and my light parents."

"I thought you did not have any parents?" I inquired.

"I was born before the time of earth's creation, and I was not the only one." Joselin began to explain, "I have an older brother and a younger sister. Rade is in the training sector of the light world and you have already met Xylina." She said with a smile on her face.

"There is no way that a women such as Xylina is related to us." I said in surprise.

"Well it is true, we are related to her and we are also related to the first two light beings. My parents Adela and Evan." She informed me.

We kept talking and I learned that my light mother met my father and decided to decline the offer to become the next Council Leader, and so my aunt Xylina stepped up without hesitation. My grandparents are in hiding for the time being due to the darkness and will be back when it is safe. Rade is one of the Light's top soldiers holding the crest of Electricity. My father, Antoine, has no parents and is created of pure light he is over 100 years older than my mother. She would not tell me her real age no matter how much I pried.

"Why are your parents in hiding, would it not be better for them to fight?" I questioned

"As the two original Lights, if they were to die, both the light world and earth would cease to exist." She explained "their light is where all light comes from and without it the worlds would become dark and collapse into themselves."

"Well then, it is a good idea to keep them safe then." I replied with a little chuckle

"Yes it very well is. I have been told that you will be starting your Light Training tomorrow with you Light Uncle Rade.," she informed me "be sure that you are both physically and mentally prepared. He may be your relation, but he will not be going very easy on you. This is a very serious situation we are dealing with, and if the prophecy is correct, you are our one last true hope."

"Well I will be doing my best then," I assured her "I do not want to disappoint anyone and I have hope that one day this will all be over."

She gave me a small smile, hiding the fear and sadness, and left the room. I watched her leave, thinking of all the possibilities that would end with me ending with a more wonderful set of Light parents. Those thoughts were short lived though, for when she was out of sight my mind when to the things I would be dealing with in the near future. How could I be held to such high standards, when I'm not even remotely close to knowing what power I could possess within?

We gathered in yet another great hall where we ate the most brilliant food. It was apparently in my honor, at least that's what Xylina told everyone before we began to eat. We prayed for The Original Lights' safety, and then our food appeared out of pure light. There were light fruit, meat from animals that never completely parish, and water that tasted as though it was so pure and so clean. At the end of the meal, my light parents walked ahead of me on our way back to our Light Home. As I was walking my eyes wandered, marveling and the immense amount of beauty in the hallways that made up the light world. I was amazed at the amount of people that inhabited the homes and hallways of such a grand dimension.

We turned a corner and my eyes caught sight of beauty beyond anything that I could have ever imagined. She was with two other girls looking to be about her age. She gracefully moved a strand of hair from her face. I was lost in her beauty and when I glanced in her eyes I saw peace and happiness. She was like nothing I had ever seen, and I was entranced by her essence completely.

My adoration of this mysterious girl, was abruptly interrupted by a very large arm rapping around my neck. Then a very rough knuckled hand rubbing my skull creating the worst pain. I was immediately in total fear. I felt a single finger touch my neck and a small shock of electricity jolted through my whole body.

"Well, it is good to see that a small amount of electricity doesn't do much damage to you" said the man from behind me.

I ripped free of the tight grip and turned to see my tormentor. He was immense in every way possible. His muscles were bigger that both my arms put together and he was about seven foot tall. I could have never imagined that one person's head could be so big.

"What, I don't get a hug from the nephew I never had," the man said "we are only going to meet for the first time once."

"I don't know who you are but..." I paused after processing his words "wait nephew. If I am your nephew that would make you my Uncle Rade. I have to say I didn't imagine you to be so gigantic."

"I get that quite a lot. Now what about that hug little nephew." Rade said.

I went in for a hug, and was once again slightly electrocuted when our body's met. He picked me from off the ground and nearly broke every single bone in my body and almost suffocated me with his large muscles.

"Umm," I said in a gasp "I cannot breathe. Do you mind squeezing a little less Uncle Rade?"

"Oh, sorry. Sometimes I forget my own strength." He apologized "Let me guess I shocked you when we touched as well."

"A little bit, but I was not hurt by it, I was more injured by the hug than anything." I mused.

"Sorry about the electrocution, I sometimes get too excited and it sort of leaks out of me." He laughed.

He set me back on the ground, and as I tried to catch my breath, he gave me a big slap on the back. I winced in pain, and gave out a wimpy cough. He looked at me and gave a comment on my size and stature.

"Now Rade," I heard Joselin say "I thought we were going to wait until tomorrow for you to injure your nephew."

"Sorry Jos," he taunted "but I was just too excited. I have already blown three lights in my home with my excitement."

"Well just be a little more careful," Antoine interjected "he is a very important person at the moment."

All three of them chuckled, and I received another bone crushing hug from Rade and my parents and I said our goodbyes to him and remained on our way to our home.

"Better get some sleep little nephew," I heard Rade shout down the hallway "because I am going to make you wish you were back on earth tomorrow."

He gave out a low jolly chuckle, and I turned and gave him a frightened thumbs up. I was definitely sure I was never going to be able to survive tomorrow's training no matter how much sleep I got the night before.

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