Chapter Three

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As I walked into the bright white room, I blinked in confusion and pure amazement, it was like this room held all of the excess light in the world. As I looked at one spot on the circular rooms wall, I noticed a black spot that was there one second and gone the next.

"A child was just born," Joselin explained "it takes light to bring a child into the world.

I continued to stare at that spot on the wall as we waited for the arrival of the council. One minute passed and the wall started to spell something out.

Rawlins Bryan Cray




I was beginning to wonder the meaning behind the words, when a fierce yet womanly voice interrupted my thoughts.

"It explains everything we need to know about the child. The full name of the child. How it was created, human conception or Light Parents. How is the mother's health, and what mental state the father is in. The last two pieces of information added due to recent events that occurred thanks to your friend." Explained the woman.

"I am terribly sorry, but may I ask who you are?" I asked in confusion.

"I'm surprised to learn that your light parents have not told you of me. I am Xylina, I carry the crest of Power." The woman answered in a dry and rude manner.

"They mentioned you, but did not go into much depth. I am sorry for my rudeness." I cowered.

As this conversation took place all twelve of the council members had taken their seat and were waiting for my trial of worth to begin.

"AJ Acada, we are here to access your ability to help the world as we know it, not you worth." said the man with the crest of Mind, "We know that you are quite worthy to be in the World of Light."

I later learned that this man had the ability to read and control every mind in every plane of being within 1 mile.

"Thank you for clearing that up councilor Jaiden, but if I may," interrupted Xylina "the prophecy states that a child born of light parents will spontaneously return to the World of Light, upon the Awakening of Darkness. I am ashamed to inform all of you that the thoughts are true, the Dark One has manifested. His human name was Christophe Black, and his transformation is almost complete. Soon he will have followers and more difficult to defeat. The prophecy states that only the Chosen Light may defeat the Dark One in battle." Xylina was in total Power mode "It is written that the crest will help the Chosen Light in war to bring light no matter where he goes. AJ tell us what your crest enables."

I was frozen, I had thirteen highly powerful council members and the two people that loved me unconditionally looking to me for a revealing answer. I thought that for sure I would never be this "Chosen Light", but my light parents seemed to be so sure just moments ago. I swallowed my saliva to prepare my mouth to say the words, and prepared for my mind for rejection.

"I carry the Crest of Hope." I said in utter fear.

I watched as an enormous book descended gracefully from the light above my head. As it drew closer to Xylina, it grew smaller to a normal looking book. She placed her palm on the face of the book and released some of her light into it. As she did this, the book opened and began to turn its own pages until I assumed it landed on the page she needed.

"AJ I do not want you to be frightened by the images that I will now plant into your mind," Xylina said, "it is our belief as members of the Light, that it is much simpler to show a person things than tell them."

Immediately as Xylina's voice stopped, my mind was bombarded by the image of a page in a book.

The Prophecy Foretold

It is said that a child born of light, sent to

the world to procreate the lineage of his light parents,

will return after twenty years to his true home.

He will have little faith but much hope.

 The child will grow to be the Chosen Light, 

with the help of his brethren.

He will seem weak and unimpressive, but

his stature will not determine his triumph.

The crest he bears will be the true salvation to the light's victory.

The child shall bare the Crest of Hope.

Not much comes to mind after that, all I truly remember was everything being dark and I when I awoke I had been asleep for three whole days.

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