Prologue: The Beginning

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P.O.V Gandalf

"What is it?" Pallando had asked, I had not cared at the time, I had heard rumours of a great power north of here and we were so close. "What is what, Pallando?" I was tired and weary but then so were they. Pallando pointed to a tree, Alatar and I followed, "That little thing, Gandalf." Behind the tree was a small fair haired child, its eyes were sad and fearful. I knelt down to its size and beckoned towards it. "Please come forth child, you are safe." I smiled kindly at the child but it stayed where it was, inclining its small little head. It looked very much like a girl; however, I was not sure. "Ú-chenion" my eyes widened, so it only spoke elvish, 'I do not understand'.

"Man eneth lín?" 'What is your name?', the blue wizards looked at me dumbfounded; that was a first. The child shook its head.
"Man le?" 'Who are you?' the child looked very much like an elf but it was as tall as a hobbit, perhaps a bit taller.

"Olórin i eneth nín," 'My name is Olórin,' its eyes widened. It bowed at me.
"Firiel i eneth nín," 'My name is Firiel'. Now it was my turn to be shocked, this was a hobbit name, what was a hobbit doing this far away from the shire, and why didn't she look like a hobbit.
"She looks like a Fallohide, Gandalf." Alatar stated. He hadn't been in Middle Earth for an age and had not realised what a discovery this was, for this child must be a full blooded Fallohide hobbit.

"Alatar, there has not been a full blooded Fallohide in centuries, this cannot be possible?!" And yet I had seen it with my own eyes..."Man pennich?" 'What did you say?' Firiel pouted, obviously not happy that she could not understand our words.

"Man vi noss lín?" 'Who is in your family?' I asked. I wondered if there was more. In the old days Fallohide hobbits lived in tribes. However all she did in respond to my question was shake her head, there were tears in her eyes. She edged closer to our group, but did not stray far from the tree she had been hiding behind. I tried again.

"Mas dorthach?" 'Where do you live?' She shook her head again. No. Does she mean that she lives no where?
"Ú-chenion" I smiled down at her, echoing her words from earlier. 'I do not understand'.
"Tiro..." she whispered, 'look,' she pointed behind her and in the distance I could see smoke coming from the trees. She started crying, "Orcs..."
I could hear the orcs in the distance, I could hear the snarls of the wargs. "Gandalf... I think they're coming this way!" Pallando exclaimed.

"Well than stay silent you fool..." I whispered.
I beckoned to the girl, she had heard the orcs also, and so had deemed us the safer party, she scrambled over to us, "Tolo sí" 'come here' I ordered, not wanting to be here when the orcs finally arrived, I surprised her when I picked her up and put her onto my horse. "Estelio nin." 'trust me.' I looked into her golden brown eyes. She nodded.
That was the day I gained a daughter. Today is the day she turns thirty-three, twenty-three years have passed so quickly.

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