Diamond Dust-Chapter 23

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I had no choice--I had to tell Sam everything. He actually didn't take it too bad, and I was very pleasantly surprised.

"So.....I guess whatever you have I caught when you bit me?" he said, seeming spaced out.

"Yeah, that's the just of it." I said staring blankly into space--he was going to hate me forever. We were sitting in the living room staring at the T.V, it was off, but the blackness was easier to look at then Sam's traumatized face.

"You have to understand--I didn't know it was you." tears were welling up in my eyes. "I'm so sorry." the tears began to fall, and to my amazement, Sam gave me and hug.

He stocked my back and whispered in my ear. "It's ok, I'm not mad at you."

I looked at him wide eyed, "I can't believe how well you are taking this. I killed you."

"Well--maybe it's a blessing--I mean--I must have been blind before I had my memory erased, and with all you told me about my life--maybe I don't need that one back--maybe I can start a new one."

"Blind?" I asked, not understanding what he meant.

"I just--I don't think I'm gay." He said, looking at me, I was getting a hint from his body language, but I knew Sam for so long I didn't take the hint--I made him elaborate further.

"I've known you forever--believe me--you are gay." I smiled, trying to make a small joke.

"But--you--I must have been blind not to have seen how beautiful you are." He said, still stroking my back until now, but now he stopped and pulled away, looking into my eyes.

It was then that I realized--maybe--maybe he never was gay. I had thought he was only because he had never had a girlfriend--but he had left all the hints that he liked me. Buying me dresses, buying makeup remover because he knew I would need it, always being there when I needed him.

He leaned in, I wondered--was he really going to kiss me? Me with my rotten face and blood still fresh in my mouth, me who had eaten maggots earlier. This--this would be my first kiss. I couldn't stop seeing Sam as gay--even now. He looked more manly then ever.

"Ummm...." I said finally, "I got a little bit of a---rotten face problem." I said, and chuckled slightly. We both started to have a laughing spasm. I looked at him while doing this--he was--now that I was looking at him in a new way--kind of cute.

Maybe after this problem was fixed--I would indulge in my first kiss.

I smiled, and tried to stop laughing--but the second we looked at each other--we were right back where we started. We both were rotting--and yet we were laughing. I had almost forgotten about the problem when I remembered something....

"Holey shit!" I said, stopping laughing in my tracks.

"What?" Sam said, suddenly serious.

"You remember how I told you I healed supper fast?"

"Yeah.." He said, wondering where I was going with this.

"Well, that was right after I had....um....eaten. Right now, I'm starving--maybe that's why I'm not healing anymore. The same for you, you hadn't eaten yet, so the cut that you had has started to rot."

He looked into my eyes, "that's logical. So if we eat--we'll heal?" He asked.

"Yeah, but we cant!" I said sadly, sitting heavily onto the sofa. "We can't kill people!" I had went from laughing to crying all in a matter of seconds--and I wasn't PMSing.

Sam sat beside me, "Shit! You are right." He said, and I herd the hope leaving his voice as fast as it had came.

I could hear Sam's breathing and mine, we sat there for a few moments. That was when I began to realize--"Blood bank." I said, my eyes wide, my voice with hope.

"Blood bank? What?" Sam said, seeing my face and I could tell he was becoming excited--but didn't want to get his hopes up.

"The school--before they closed were asking for blood donations for the new blood bank on Lime-wood avenue!" I said, standing up and I started to pace back and forth. "We could break in and drink as much as we want!"

"Will it work?" He asked standing up off the sofa.

"It's worth a shot!" I said grabbing his shoulders.

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