Diamond Dust-Chapter 33

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"I'm not turning anyone!" I said firmly climbing to my feet.

"I have to see if she will be like you." Mary stated flatly.

"Well....I already turned someone." I said hopping Mary would spare poor Katie.

Mary looked at me as if to say "really." She didn't seem to believe me, but soon her face softened, "Who?" She asked.

"It was an accident--" I started, and then remembered that I didn't have to explain myself--she didn't care. "Sam." I said finally. 

"And?" She asked.

"He can't stand in the daylight." I said.

"Where is Sam?" She asked, maybe she wanted to check and see for herself. The good news was that she had taken all her sights off Katie.

"We robbed a blood bank--the sun came up and he couldn't leave the place." I said hesitantly. I didn't want to say it--but I had to.

She didn't seem surprised, "Baby Takers--always getting in trouble." Her voice was as stall and dry as coke that's been sitting out for a few hours. "Well, we will have to get him tonight."

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