(18) Powers

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A:N: Requested by taetaetot! A Hiro x reader. Enjoy!
PS: 1st person view this time.


( Y O U )


"You guys ready?" Hiro says, putting on his helmet, everyone nods.

"Yep. I'm alright over here!" Tadashi says, Fred nods in approval.

"Freddie's all ready to go!" He says, jumping around like crazy and accidentally hits a lamp, everyone twitches. Fred points to the lamp,

"Uh, that wasn't me." He says, Wasabi scrunched his nose in disgust.

"Oh c'mon Fred! I placed that lamp perfectly!" He says, and grabs a broom and a dustpan, and starts to sweep the mess mumbling, "I hate my life right now."

"Um, I'm okay!" Honey Lemon cheers, GoGo looks at her as if she said 'I need to go eat a large smelly boot' but she nods anyway.

"It's good." She says and heads outside.

I look around the garage, stuffing my face with (favorite snack). My friends were trying out they're modifed armor that Hiro and I made, with a bit of help from Tadashi of course.

"They look awesome." Hiro says, looking around just like me, I nod.

"They look sick." I grin, Hiro looks at me and smiles, he raises his fist and says, "Fistbump."

I close my fist and knocks it unto his, "Balalala." We say, and laugh.

"____, I'm sorry that you aren't part of the team," He starts to say, "It just isn't, safe."

I roll my eyes, "Yeah, yeah I know mother," I say, "I'm gonna do my homework now."

Hiro breaths out a happy sigh and mutters, "Unbelievable."

I throw my wrapper into the trash can, and I pat Hiro's shoulder, "Welp, we don't want to keep 'em waiting. Let's go slowpoke!" I as I ran to the exit of the garage, shouting,

"Last one there is a rotten egg!"

Hiro laughs as he ran to the exit, "And it's gonna be you!"

*later* *third person view*

Hiro's watch beeped fast, indicating someone was in trouble or needed help. By the rate of things, it was bad.

"Guys." He says, "Something's wrong."

Everyone looks at him, and the next thing they know, they're mounting on Baymax, ready to fly.

Hiro stops and looks at you, you smile sadly, Hiro knows you always wanted to join the team, but it wasn't safe. He loved you and he didn't want any harm to find its way to you.

"____," He says, you wave him away.

"No, no, not one of that," You shoo, "Now go before I change my mind."

Hiro grins, "Okay then." He waves, "Later."

You yawn, "Later Hiro, have fun saving the world, whatever."

Baymax launches into the sky, as everyone else waves goodbye.

( H I R O )

Hiro peered above and saw the guy they were searching for, they were hovering over a dam.

"The Fujitsu." Hiro muttered, "Guys, let's go."

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