(26) Jealous

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- Hiro -

The 16 year old groaned at the paper in front him, mocking him greatly.

"Why does it have to be so hard?!" He complained, Tadashi simply laughed and ruffled his little brother's unruly hair.

"You're not concentrating that's why! Thinking of Y/N again eh?" Tadashi smirked, causing the boy to be flustered, waving his hands in different motions whislt stuttering.

"Despite of your attempts to hide your crush, everyone still knows."

Hiro simply sighed and slammed his head on his desk.

"Can't help love 'Dashi." He sighed, Tadashi laughed at his brother's cheesiness.

"Wow, since when did you become deep bonehead?" He said, making the boy glare daggers at him. Tadashi sighed and ruffled Hiro's already tousled hair once again, as he exited the room.

"Y'know, you should confess your feelings now, before someone else jinxes you." He winked, leaving his younger sibling lost for words, knowing his brother is indeed right.

Crumpling up the several papers hanging around his desk, he threw it out in his metal trash can.

'Homework can wait.' Hiro thought, brainstorming on how he was gonna make you his.

- you -

Smiling at your finished project, you rubbed your hands together and sighed.

Running your dirty hands into your greasy hair, you laugh.

"Weeks of malfunctions, and now it's done." You said to no one in particular, but chuckled anyways.

Resting your head on your crossed arms behind your head, you sigh.

'I still have homework, I'm technically not even close to being finished.'

"Gah, why?" Groaning you pull your (hair color) hair.

A sudden knock and a voice interrupts you.

"Knock knock." Tadashi says, you smile.

"Come in Tadashi." You grin at the older boy, who was basically an older brother to you.

Bumping your fist in his, Tadashi slumps in your beanbag.

"I see that you're done with your secret project." He smirked, you nod vigorously.

Tadashi was the only person, besides you who knew about this secret project of yours. He accidentally walked in your lab while you were working, you decided that there was no use lying to the boy, so you told the truth.

"I guess, but I still have to test it out." You grin, Tadashi smiles and nods.

"How many tries?" He asks, you count in your head.

"About 35?"

Tadashi laughs, "Consider yourself lucky."

"How about you 'Dashi?" You smirk, Tadashi glares at you.

"Shut up (nickname)."

As you both laugh, you don't realize that a boy with messy black hair was listening to your conversation just outside the door.

- Hiro -

What is this feeling? I feel like I have bubbles at the bottom of my stomach that's bubbling up violently.

Why do I feel so jealous? Or was it envy?

How come Tadashi can talk to Y/N so easily, yet I can barely speak a sentence in front of her.

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