(13) Are You Satisfied With Your Care?

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A:N: A Baymax x Reader, requested by myself. I personally think it's Baymax's time to shine.

(Your Point Of View)

You shivered as the cold rain poured over you, you stuffed your hands at your hoodie pocket. This was a bad idea, you thought. Too late. You were supposedly were going to SFIT to continue to work on your invention. But stupidly, you forgot to bring your umbrella, now were standing at a empty bus stop, with no roof, in front of the Lucky Cat Cafe. Nobody was home, the lights were closed and there was no sign of civilization inside, then again neither outside. The streets were empty, the place looked haunted. The weather didn't help much either, it was dark and gloomy. It was only 1:30 pm. You tried to wrap your arms on yourself, but your clothes were soaking wet, you couldn't find a bus stop with a roof, it was just stupid. You knew you were going to die from coldness so you just stood there, praying that a bus would come, but sadly, no sign it was going to happen anytime soon. It was too far to walk home anyway. You swing your arms, because of boredom, then you accidentally hit your right arm.
"Ow!" You just shrugged it off, even though your arm was throbbing in pain.
Great, you thought. I'm stuck here, in soaking clothes, with the rain completely pouring on me, there's no buses to be seen, and now my arm is painful, great. Just awesome.
You looked up to the Lucky Cat's windows, you saw a flash of white at Hiro and Tadashi's bedroom. You just shrugged it off. A few minutes later you saw Baymax, waddling towards you. You felt happy and worried at the same time, but Baymax cut your thoughts when you realized he was in front of you.

"Hello, I am Baymax. Your personal healthcare companion, I heard a sound of distress, what seems to be the trouble ___?"
"Oh, hey Baymax. I just hit my arm on the pole there. I'm fine."
"I will scan you now."
"No! Don't scan me!"
"Scan complete."
"Your body temperature is very low, and you have a slight epidermal abrasion on your forearm."
"Wow, Tadashi really worked on you huh?"
"Yes. Tadashi is very, hardworking, and nice."
"I suggest that you should have, warmth. Too increase your body temperature. And a anti-bacterial spray on your forearm." Baymax said as he took your arm and sprayed it.
"Thanks Baymax, you're a huge help." You say smiling up at the robot.
"You are welcome __. I have been programmed to help the sick and injured."
You grinned,
"Yes, and you do very well at it."
"Thank you. But your body temperature is very low. I suggest warmth."
"What? How are we going to get warm-"
You were cut off when the robot hugged you and when his belly glowed, heat?

"Ah, this is the life." You say,
Hm, it's like spooning a warm marshmallow.
"___, are you satisfied with your care?"
"Yep Baymax. I am satisfied with my care."
A:N: done! Hope you all like it :) I've been planning to write this for a while...I'm glad it turned out okay.
Good day/night to you guys, bye!
~Llama out.

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