The Only Exception (A Hobbit and Almighty Johnsons crossover fanfic)

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The warm summer breeze, the orange hue of the setting sun, the sound of waves gliding across the white beach of the Big Island. It would be considered romantic, beautiful. A paradise. For the past week, that's what it was for Maya. Yet sitting on the beach, watching the many families and loving couples play and swim, she only felt despair. Paradise could never last forever, she knew that, but it didn't stop her from wishing it could, from wishing she could just stay there and never return home.

'This trip will be good for you.' She said. 'It'll help you clear your mind.' She said. For a therapist, she's sure optimistic that a week away can fix what 4 months of coming to see her couldn't. 

Maya let out a sigh as she ran her hand through her auburn hair. She knew her therapist meant well and wanted to help, but Maya's pain ran deep and though the saying goes that time heals all woulds, each day seemed to get worse.

The trip was her family's idea. Initially she wanted nothing more than to back out, but after her mother said she had to go, Maya reluctantly requested the week off from work. To her surprise it was fun. With so much to see and do, there was no room in her mind to think of all the problems back home. Now she never wanted to leave.

It would be another two hours before nightfall, which meant that in 12 hours, she would be on a plane back home. She would go back to her daily life of trying to ignore the familiar areas that held so many memories, ignore the constant need to look over her shoulder and Maya quickly wiped away the few tears than began to fall down her cheeks. Inwardly she cringed at her weakness. 

Shit. Come on, Maya! Stop crying. It's stupid to -


The moan pulled Maya from her thoughts. Quickly she scanned behind her only to be greeted by many large rock clusters scattered across the sandy beach down to the water.

"Oh god! Ahh!" 

Hearing a man's curse, Maya was up on her feet fearing that the man was seriously injured. Yet as she reached the boulder where the sounds where coming from Maya froze and eyes grew wide as she heard the another moan. A woman's moan.

"Oh yeah!" 

He seemed to become more vocal now and Maya could feel the heat of a blush spread across her cheeks and down her neck.

Oh god...He's not injured...

She should have walked away. Should have just ignored them and pretend she heard nothing, but combination of the stranger's strangled moans becoming more intense, she found herself paralyzed in utter shock.

A few more curses followed by a chocked cry and she knew it over for the man. Suddenly panicked with the possibility of getting caught, she forced her legs to move. The hasty decision proved to be a mistake as her legs gave out under her. 

With one glance back, she saw the backside of a woman. Her heart pounded in her chest with fear as she quickly made a break for the water. At the first touch, she hissed in shock at the brisk temperatures, but she ignored it and pushed farther into the ocean. 

She had gotten waist deep when she realized her mistake. Viewing the distance from all the other beach goers and surfers, she bit her lip.

"Shit...I could have gotten this far swimming...ya...Nothing strange about my shorts and tank top..."

She cringed, but it was too late to do anything she turned back to see a young woman in a white cocktail dress emerge from her hiding spot, carrying a pair of heels. Fear of being seen, Maya quickly dove under the water. Trying her best to keep her eyes closed, she blindly swam towards the scattered rocks just a nearby. At the feel of a rocky surface against her hand, she breached the surface for air. Her contacts still in place, she made sure that she hadn't been seen. The owner of the voice she heard now standing behind his lover. His hands tucking his white button up shirt into his black slacks before putting on a black blazer.

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